Tyler° Earth 🌏🥀🌾

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Summary: This is inspired by the 100 :))))
Tyler and Y/N meet again in the shuttle on the way to earth 🌎


Last thing I remembered was being in the skybox with other delinquent juveniles.

Once the guards entered my cell and placed that stupid vital sign wrist band on me, I freaked out and started throwing punches, and then, I became drowsy, they had injected me.

My eyes fully opened and I examined my surroundings... Other teens were seated and buckled next to me.

On the big screen was Jaha, he was explaining about the '100' that were being sent to the ground to see if Earth had passed the nuclear fumes .

I gulped as I listened to him explain what was happening.

Great, we were being sent to earth because of what we did, they don't mind sending us to our death.

"Well's, your dads a dick". Someone yelled. I chuckled and so did the rest of the shuttle.

"Earth could still be radiating in those fumes, geez we're going to die." I mumbled, A blonde leaned forward, Clarke was her name? I think, she wasn't from my station...
she was a little older than me I think, Clarke gave me eye contact.

"It could be, I guess we'll find out." She replied. Turbulence happened and almost every one screamed.

My eyes rolled and I looked to my left to see Octavia Blake... Octavia had an older brother and a younger brother, One called Bellamy and another called Tyler. Octavia's family broke the law twice, and their mother got floated for it.

The reason I was in Skybox was because of Tyler, he was new to our class in Engineering and he got on my nerves. So we had a fight.

Noise from the shuttle snapped me out of my thoughts, some idiots unbuckled from their seats and were floating.

"You're all stupid, once we land, you'll plunge to your death." I mumbled, the boys ignored me.
Suddenly the shuttle began shaking again.

"Get back to your seats!" Clarke yelled.

I held onto my seat belts and screamed my lungs out as the shuttle shook left and right. A loud bang and clap happened, we landed, and the boys who were floating all slammed into the walls.


The whole shuttle stayed quiet and we all unbuckled from our seats.

I ran over to the two bodies, the boys who didn't make it back to their seats. I checked their pulses.

"Status?" Clarke asked me, I nodded a no.

"No pulse." I replied and rolled my eyes. I stood up.

"You're Y/N right? Kane's daughter, never really see you around?" Clarke asked, I smiled and turned around.

"It's because I don't like being where the council is, I try to stay away from there as possible. And yes fortunately, I am his daughter." I replied and then made my way to the ladder.
As I made my way down the ladder and onto the first level, I saw other teens.

My eyes scanned the shuttle area, I saw, all three Blake's reunited.

We all stood there examining the only siblings.

"Your mom deserved to be floated!" Someone yelled, Tyler clenched his jaw and wanted to fight whoever said it, but Bellamy held him back.

Tyler's glance then looked at me, he smirked and I raised my brows while folding my arms.

I pushed and my way to the front, Bellamy suddenly opened up the door and Clarke got worried.

A huge mist of smoke had entered the shuttle as the doors opened, we all stayed shock.

Octavia walked out and we watched.

"WE'RE BACK BITCHES." Octavia yelled, suddenly all the teens went crazy and ran out.

I slowly made my way out and connected with Earth.
I inhaled and exhaled slowly, my eyes closed as I enjoyed a breath of air.

"Good seeing you here Y/N. Didn't know if I could come to earth without you." Tyler spoke as he faced me, I rolled my eyes and walked off.

"Don't walk away, I need you support and love.
I know you secretly want me." Tyler explained as he followed me, I placed my hand on his chest.

His grin had shown.

"Tyler, leave me alone. Before I kill you, there's no laws down here- Not yet." Tyler replied and winked. My eyes watched Tyler as he brushed his fingers through his hair and walked off.

Clarke and Wells faced me. She held a map up,

"We're on the wrong mountain." She mentioned, I scoffed.

I turned around and examined the wild teens... Someone had to lead these people.

"Our parents are apart of the council, and the councils aren't the best representatives, specially towards these kids, these kids have had their parents floated because of our's...
We'll be hated and killed if we don't sort something out." I explained as I faced Wells and Clarke.

-I wanted to try something like this, was it good! Or nah?
-I wanted to like mix stuff up. 😂😭

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