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Okay so, before I publish this unfinished chapter, I wanna advertise something. Me and my friend are starting a vanoss rp group on instagram. Tell me if you wanna join!!

Onto the unfinished chapter


had packed everything in my room. The guys waited downstairs. Everyone had gone their seperate ways only a few staying together. I grabbed my camera, knowing this would be difficult. I had known these guys for so long, they were my family. But, I had a chance to do something more. Something...better.

I was only 20 years old I had a time to do other stuff. I held onto my camera knowing it would be the final time I would ever record for the viewers.

I sat at my desk and pressed record.

"Hey guys, Y/N L/N here but you guys know me as Y/T/N.

"This isn't something I thought I would be posting. I've postponed this video for as long as I could but it's time.

"I'm leaving YouTube. Atleats the gaming part of it. I'm moving out of our house to persue a dream I listed as only a dream.

"I guess what I wasnt to say is, thank you. Thank you for making me feel loved when I was emotionally unstable or made me laugh with the comments.

"I know people don't like me and I know not everyone will but for now, I don't need to worry. I'm putting down the camera, putting down the laptop, putting down the consoles, and I'm gonna explore.

"I'm sorry if this wasn't the video you expected from me anytime soon.

"This is my final goodbye."

I held my phone and rolled my luggage put to the front. I looked back at our house.

So much happened here.

"Woah, I must be in the wrong house."

"Um...are you Y/N?"


"Then your in the right place."

These guys that I found odd and annoying became the people I never wanted to let go.

Being with them was the highlight of my day. Hell, I even dated a few.

Now here we stand.

All of us infront of the house as Tyler finished helping me with my stuff.

The person that started it all. Almost 5 years ago. Evan Fong aka VanossGaming. Brown eyes, black hair, 5'11. He was one of my closest friend though everything. "Evan, how to describe everything. You gave me a chance when no one else would. You weren't cocky about how many subscribers you had or anything like that. You gave the small youtuber the chance if a lifetime. I'm sorry I have to go." "Don't worry, hun. Go have fun."

"Um, hi! My name is Y/T/N. I was wondering if you would be up to record something, totally fine if-"

"Let's do it."

Next up was Jonathan aka H2Odelirious. Dark brown hair, blue eyes. 6'0. My psycho roommate who was actually a sweetheart. "Wow you made everything so much easier. You understood me on a personal level and helped me deal with som serious stufd so I have to thank you." "No problem. Always here to help."

"Who is laughing?"

"That would be me miss*laughs*."

Craig Thompson aka Mini Ladd. Blue eyes, purple hair although I'm sure he'll dye it again. 6'0. The first person I met when coming to LA. "Craig, I'm so happy I almost fell that day. I was just about to leave LA but after meeting you...I knew I finally found a friend." "Anytime."

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now