Chapter 3

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                         Chapter 3

     Toren stared at the half naked girl in Aden's room, surprised. He looked over to Aden, who was red in the face, and he felt his own face get red. "This isn't what it looks like, I swear.", Aden plead, putting a shirt on. Toren ignored him and walked over to the girl. 

  She seemed familiar but he didn't care about that right now. "Miss, will you excuse us please", he asked her politely and she smiled, "yes of course." She headed toward the door then stopped in front of Aden. Toren felt his heart drop when she leaned over and kissed Aden on the lips. 

  Aden stared wide eyed as she exited the room. Toren looked at him and shouted, "Aden!", but he didn't respond. Aden's eyes were looking at the spot where the girl used to be. "ADEN!!!", He said knocking him out of his dreaming state. 

  "Yes?", Aden looked at him as if he had forgotten Toren was even there. Toren let an agonizing sigh  making his way over to Aden's bed. He sat on the edge with his head in his hands, defeated. "I knew this day would come but I didn't think it would be so soon", Toren said glumly and Aden tilted his head slightly in confusion.

  Toren cleared his throat, "I know that your at that age where......", He coughed nervously and Aden felt a bit awkward all of a sudden. "W-w-well that girl was very....uh..... appealing", Aden felt his cheeks become hot. "Stop. Stop right there. This isn't the kind of conversation I wish to have with my Brother" Toren looked up at him relieved, but his brother would not let the matter go.

  Aden peered out his window and pretended to listen to Toren stumble through 'The Talk'. Aden saw two morning bird's, playfully flap around each other and tweet merrily. He felt a something inside him tighten up as his mind played on unfamiliar thoughts. His instincts longed to run through the field. Aden fidgeted nervously, like a dog wanting to go outside.

  That's an ironic way of thinking. a female voice spoke to him. He glanced around and Toren noticed. "What is your problem Aden?", Aden ignored him and looked around for the anyone else in the room. Toren watched him then cleared his throat and continuing. Aden looked back out the window and noticed Terra walking in the field. What are you doing out side?! he tensed in concern since she had little clothes on to protect her from the morning air. 

  Relax I have a high tolerance of the cold, the voice said to him. Aden froze watching her as she turned to look at him. She winked in his direction before continuing her walk. He watched her closely, how did you do that? he asked. She dragged her hand across the ferns in the pasture, Magic, her giggling filled his mind. He closed his eyes at how musical her laugh was, then someone punched him hard on the arm. Aden turned and saw Torren glaring at him, his whole posture tensed. "What?!"

   Torren sighed sitting back down, "I said I'm going to go to Town. Lord Ivan has called upon me for a favor, a bit of advice." Aden felt a suspicious tingle in the back of his mind. "What favor could he want? We're not at war, no need for military advice, and unless he wants to be a wheat farmer there really isn't a reason for you to go" He felt an eerie feeling like it would be a bad idea to let Torren go. "Maybe he just needs an excuse to see and old friend. You never know" Torren headed for the door. "And I guess since I'm going, I'll go ahead and take her home" Aden tensed, realizing he was talking about Terra. "W-w-wait Torren!" He rushed out his room and saw Torren open the door the froze. 

  Aden ran up to him and heard him mutter, "What tha..." He pushed past him to see what he was staring at, but when he peered into the field there was nothing there. "Where did she go?" Torren groaned, walking out on to their small porch and scanned the field. Aden felt his a certain drive to find her but fought it. "She must have walked home." Torren wheeled around to him suspicious, but Aden just held up his hand innocently, "What? She didn't live to far from here." A vein started to pop out on the side of Torren's head, "If your lying, I swear on dad's grave you will have hell to pay" 

  Aden chuckled half heartedly trying to lighten his brothers suspicions, but he wasn't fooled. He headed for the wagon and Aden just stayed put. "I'll be back soon" He grabbed the reins, before throwing Aden a glare, "Remember." He then drove off leaving Aden smiling innocently. Once Torren was out of sight, he let out an exhausted sigh, "You can come out now." He said and Terra's white head popped up out of the tall grass. "Good I thought he'd never leave" She exclaimed brushing herself off and walking toward him. She ignored his scolding look, going inside his house and grabbing the breakfast his brother made and started scarfing her face. 

   "Now what?" he asked her as she shoveled bacon into her mouth. She tilted her head to him confused, causing him to roll his eyes. He walked into the hall way and disappeared, reappearing with a cloth in hand. "Here it's one of my mothers dresses. I think it might fit. She was rather petite for her age" He tossed it to Terra who had just finished wiping her hands on his dad's shirt. She unfolded it and examined it. "It looks rather comfortable for a dress" She stated and Aden just nodded. "Of course. It was made so she could work in." Terra snorted. 

  "Women shouldn't have to work like slaves in the sun.." She mumbled as she began to remove her shirt. Aden panicked, turning his back quickly, his face burning. After a moment Terra sighed, "You're such a pansy. You act like you've never seen a naked girl before. Go head you can turn around now." Aden turned back and suddenly wished he hadn't because she was quite the sight. She dress turned out to be a little small so it clung to her body perfectly but not to much to where it would be uncomfortable. The dark fabric brought out her pale completion and unnatural silver eyes. 

  "Well?" She said when he took too long to respond. He just nodded his approval walking outside to get some fresh air. He closed his eyes as a ravenous feeling came over him. He growled in an inhumanly fashion, as he scolded his inner demon. "This might be harder than he thought it would be" He stared out into the field when something caught his eyes. He squinted his eyes and found things a lot sharper than normal. At first he thought it might be a deer but the figure was defiantly a man and he wasn't alone. 

  "Shit" he exclaimed as Terra walked out onto the porch. "What's-" She started before getting cut off by an arrow hitting the wood right by her face. She jumped back and screamed alerting the men to move faster toward them. Aden grabbed her hand and ran in the house, closing the door as several more arrows thumped against it. "How did they find us?" She demanded as she started to panic. Aden ignored her as she continued to ramble, leaning to look out the window he counted six men. Probably armed and trained by the way they moved in formation. 

   He froze turning to Terra, "Since when did I get commando smarts?" He asked in wander. Terra stopped pacing and gave him a look that said 'really?!" He just shrugged and started to make a plan, when suddenly the arrows stopped. "Attention in the house! Give us the girl and we'll let you go free!" Aden looked as a tall man, one he didn't recognize, stood in front of the others. Terra seemed to know him though, her facing going white. "How do I know I can trust you?" Aden shouted back and Terra froze in fear. He saw the man's mouth quirk up into a smile as he said, "You have my word as a soldier!" Aden looked at Terra and gave her a reassuring smile.

   There was  a long silence and the mercenary was growing impatient. He was hired to grab the girl and re frame from hurting the boy if possible. He didn't care who this girl was but he expected more struggle with how much he was getting paid. All of sudden the shacks front door creaked open, "Please... I have the girl tied up and I'm walking out" the man smiled, but an inner voice told him it was too easy. He signaled for two men to move forward young boy walked out with his hands up and head down. His men approached cautiously when he heard a faint and haunting voice whisper on the wind. 

   "Attack, Beast born of Hate and Love,

    Bound by my soul and body

    Obey me and defend your Master"

 The man looked around and so did his man men. The commander looked quickly back to the boy who still stood there, the only one un-phased by the woman's words. He tensed as he noticed him start to grin and look up to meet his eyes. The man felt an unknown dread grip his heart as the boys crimson eyes peered deep inside him. "Now..." The boy mumbled his voice slow growing more demonic, "The fun begins" 

  Soon the clearing was filled with screams of terror and pain, then silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2014 ⏰

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