[13] Ezra: "How We Got Arrested."

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Dedication:  iiBrownBeautyii :)

New trailer of Tatum's tears above! Feel free to comment your thoughts! :P


Ezra Harland's PoV:

I realize what I'm about to do is kinda stupid.

Yes, you don't have to point it out or anything. I'm not stupid enough to actually not realize that I'm being a little—okay, maybe a lot stupid.

But still, for the peace of my own mind, I have to do this.

That's why I sneaked out of the dorms at 7 in the morning without alerting my friends to my departure.

I'm sneaky that way.

Like clockwork, just as I'd expected, I spot Nyah's black Nissan GT-R in the distance, weaving in-between the other cars skillfully as she makes her way back to the college.

I know what you're thinking. She has the same car as me but in a different color?

 She has the same car as me but in a different color?

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Yep, something is definitely fishy.

For the record, I bought it first.

Just as the car nears the parking by which I'm waiting, I start my own car, waiting for her to get a little nearer. When the moment is right, I pull into the road and stop my car in a parallel manner across the single lane, blocking the only route Nyah could possibly take to reach the college after her early morning run in the woods.

Now, do you see why I'm smart? If I'd gone and waited by her dorm building or outside any one of her classes to have a quick chat with her, she'd have suspected how I knew all those details and deducted that I must've been paying very close attention—translation: stalking—to all things Nyah. So this way, my story could be that I'd just driven to the supermarket for some milk when I'd miraculously spotted her car in the distance and had decided to talk to her by blocking her path.

Okay, now that I put it that way, it is kinda stupider than I thought, but it's too late for backing out now.

The low honk of her Nissan blares as loudly as it possibly could as her car comes to an inevitable stop, and I slide down the dark-tinted window glass on my side with the press of a button, turning to look at her with a smile through my reflective Ray-Bans.

I see Nyah's jaw drop a little through the front glass of her car. Soon, two or three more cars come to a halt behind her and start honking like crazy, and Nyah slides down her own window in a hurry and sticks her head out, "What the hell do you want, Ezra? Move out of the way!"

I smile wider as I remove my sunglasses slowly and fold them, tucking it into the V-shaped neckline of my tee leisurely, "Just a few minutes of your time. I'm not up to anything evil, I swear."

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