Jealous!JeffTheKiller X (DogLover)Fem!Reader PART 1

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Request by AlishDaWolf 🎵, mwehehehehe >:3
Just decided to do dat since I disn't have any requests and got bored -v-

~Your POV~

It was a cold night, and I was laying on my bed, under tmy favourite color covers that kept me calm and comfortable.
However, I couldn't sleep, because of that feeling... as if someone was inside my room. I tried to shook the feeling off by closing my eyes and getting back to sleep.

That's when I felt someone close to me. I opened my eyes to see the most popular and wanted killers in the city, standing in front of me with that smile of his.

'Go. To. Sleep!'

I rolled my eyes and chuckled playfully.

'Yeah, i'm trying to, but I cannot go to sleep when you try to wake me up to put me to sleep, Jeffrey.'

He gave a chuckle and crossed his arms.

'Well, at least I tried.'

I giggled and sat on the bed, rubbing my eyes, as he sat next to me with a smile.

Jeff and I are really good friends. We've been friends for 4 weeks, and he is a great guy. At first, he tried to kill me, but in the end, we became awesome pals.

'Nice pajamas, doll.'

I blushed and punched him in his arm playfully, making him laugh a bit.

'Shuddup, Jeff...'

Oh yeah, let's not forget the fact that I have a crush on him. It's not just because 'he is hot', but his personality is great. I'm so glad I met him and he didn't kill me.

Jeff looked at my alarm clock.

'Hey, princess, you should really go to sleep, it's around 3 now.'

He got up and climbed on my window, looking back at me.

'See you tomorrow, Y/n.'

I waved goodbye at him with a smile, as he jumped off the window, but not before closing it.

I fell on my pillow, leaving a sigh and a huge smile on my face, slowly drifting to sleep.


It was a nice day today, and I was walking around to get some fresh air. There weren't many peoplr outside, so I though that it would be a nice change for getting outside.

I suddenly heard something like a dog in a dark place. Maybe the dog is hurt..

I slowly made my way towards the dark place, to see a dog with a huge green and creepy eyes staring at me.

I slowly made my way towards the dark place, to see a dog with a huge green and creepy eyes staring at me

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I started fearing that it would try to bite and kill me, but I stood frozen. It was growling, and slowly came towards me. I didn't scream or run. I just stood there.
It reached close to me and started sniffing, until it licked my hand.
I slowly reached my hand to it's head and started petting and scratching it. It made some pantings and it's tail started moving around, as if he enjoyed it. I smiled at it.

'You are quite handsome, aren't you?'

It only panted and jumped at me and licked my face, making me laugh.

'Hey, I think we two are going to be good friends, don't ya think?'

It barked.


~Jeff's POV~

It was around 9 pm. Things were boring, until my mind went to Y/n. I smilee at the thought. Maybe a small visit wouldn't harm.


As I always did, I would get inside her house by her bedroom window.
She wasn't in her room, so I got downstairs to search for her in the living room, until I heard a sound of a dog growling and barking at me.
My eyes widen. It had a huge smile and it seemed as if it was a murderer.

'Shh, easy boy! He is good..'

Y/n popped out of nowhere and petted the dogs head, making it calm down, but still glaring at me.

'What the actual hell is this thing doing here?!'
I yelled.

Y/n scratched the back of her neck nervously with a smile.

'Um... I found him today walking alone, aaaaaaandd..... he seemed like a good dog, he licked me and was friendly towards me, and soooooo I decided to bring him here?'

I stared at her with a look that a parent would give to their children after they did something bad or anything.


'H-His name is Smile.'

Y/n smiled and petted the dog's head.

'Smile, this is Jeff, he is a good guy. Wanna give him a hug?'

The dog growled and barked at me, as if it wanted to murder me, but Y/n pulled him back.

'Um... actually that's not a good idea, heh....'

'Y/n, don't tell me you are going to keep him..' I sighed and crossed my arms.

'Well, in fact, yes, I am keeping him... I always wanted a dog and thought that it would be a good idea to take care of this small friend!'

She smiled closing her eyes, as the dog jumped at her and licked her in happiness, then smirking at me. That damn little f*cker...

'So, welcome to the family, Smile!'

Oh boy.....


Heh, that was fun :P but in the second part there will be more jealousy and revenge...!


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