The Fright

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Trying to sleep when you know someone is watching you is quite possibly the hardest thing to do.

Chase is sitting in my desk chair, turned around and facing me as I try to fall asleep.

"Chase," I open my eyes to look up at the ceiling. "I can't sleep with you watching me."

Muffin has gotten used to him though. She was in a little bit of a shock as she tried to rub against his leg, only for her to fall through him.

"What do you want me to do, then?" He asks, messing with some of my pencils on the desk. "Ghosts don't exactly sleep."

I rise up in my bed. "Well, go haunt something or whatever. I can't sleep with you in here."

He huffs and stands up. "Fine," He sighs, walking through the wall, momentarily sticking his head back in. "I'll see you in the morning."

With him gone, I finally manage to fall into a deep slumber.


I'm running. I'm running from something. I don't know what it is, and I don't know where I'm at. All I know is that I'm running.

I trip, but pick myself back up, continuing to run.

Something suddenly wraps a hand around my neck, and I fight for it to release its grip. I'm clutching at what should be it's hand, but there's nothing there.

It's fingers wrap tighter around my throat, cutting off any breath that I was taking. A pair of red eyes meet my own, and I'm certain that my death is soon coming.

I jolt out of my sleep, my breathing erratic and all over the place. I run a hand through my hair, sweat breaking out on my forehead.

I sit in silence, looking at my surroundings. There's no ghost boy named Chase anywhere to be seen, and everything is peaceful in my apartment.

"It was all a dream," I half-heartedly smile. "I'm not crazy at all."

"We already decided that you weren't crazy."

A sudden voice makes me jump, and I eye my doorframe to see Chase leaning up against it.

It wasn't a dream after all. I'm really stuck with Mr. Phantom over there.

"Why are you still here?" I ask, still feeling a little groggy as I swing my legs off the side of the bed and stand up.

"We're stuck together, remember?" He rolls his eyes, his attitude suddenly becoming a little darker. "Because you let me die last night."

"Like I said," I snap. "I thought you were drunk."

My alarm on my clock goes off, beeping like crazy. I tap it off and look at him. "I have to get ready," I close the door. "And if you peek inside, I'll personally kill you again."

"Gotcha!" He says on the opposite side of the door.

I change into some jean shorts with converse, and a thin pink hoodie. I brush through my hair, letting it hang loose.

My teeth get brushed as well, and I wash my face. I walk out of the room and head towards the couch, putting my sketchbook back into my backpack.

"You look nice today," Chase comments. "Is there anything special planned today?"

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