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xxxv. late night

girl gang
( nancy as lil singer )
( katie as wifey )
( izzy as queen )

You're still coming back to NY this weekend, right?

lil singer
Of course I am
You're getting married to the man of your dreams in a few months, and I have to help you find the dress

I can't wait to see you
I miss you dork

I miss you too

I miss you guys too
I'll fly in on Saturday
On Friday I'm going on television!!!!

No fucking way?!

Since when!!!

lil singer
Since my agent told me

Okay we need details
You know mom will want to record it and keep it for eternity

lil singer
A certain late night tv host
I can't tell you who yet
But I'm extremely excited
They'll ask me questions and then I perform my new single

I'm so proud of you

Same and I can't wait x
read 11:46 pm

A/N: I'm starving you guys on Sebancy moments and I apologise

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A/N: I'm starving you guys on Sebancy moments and I apologise. They're just not there yet. However we have happy Nancy and which late night host do you think is having her on their show? The right guess will get mentioned in one of my next chapters.

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