[7] Everything Black

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Song: Everything Black by Unlike Pluto

I'm pissed and sad af so expect two or three chapters tonight :D

Y/n's POV

The eight of us were all in our cars again, riding silently on the highway. These guys never talk anymore. I wish they'd talk, and it's for a selfish reason. I just want to listen to something, be involved in something, just to take my mind off of last night's events. It's been on my mind ever since it happened. It just wont go away. The sight of Vic so mad, then seconds later he has a bullet in his head. The sound of the gun and the lifeless body collapsing. The way none of the guys acted like this was bad. Like they didn't just take someone's life.

The sun was already falling. We've only stopped to eat once during this trip and I have a feeling it's going to be like that until we find somewhere to say. I don't blame them, though. We have to keep moving. Get as far as possible. It may not be healthy to eat once a day, but the average human body can survive three weeks without food. One day wont effect anything.

Tyler is driving now, giving Mark a break. I'm still in the passenger seat. Ethan is sitting with a worn down book in his hand in the back, with Mark on the other side. His head was leaning against the head rest, his eyes shut and breathing steady. Tyler looked focused, aware of every car around us and watching where Seán drove. Seán was now driving so Bob could rest. They were in front of us now, driving somewhere. I don't think anyone knew where we were going. Tyler and Seán just drove and no one complained.

"The fuck is he doing?" Tyler mumbled to himself.

The car in front of us began slowing down, pulling over to the side by the guard rail. Tyler followed, parking the car behind them. Seán stepped out, quickly getting to the other side of the car, avoiding getting hit by a passing car. Tyler and Ethan hopped out as well. Seeing the others from Bob's car jump out, I do as well. Mark is still asleep, unaware to anything that's happening.

All of us stood on the side of the road in a small group. We probably looked insane to anyone passing by. Seven people standing on the side of a busy road where multiple people have died doing the same thing. But really, is that whats insane to me anymore?

"I used to talk to this guy that lives about an hour or two away. Maybe he still lives there. I'm sure he'd let us stay for a while." Felix shrugged.

"It wouldn't hurt to stop by." Ethan nodded. He turned his head to Tyler. "Would it?"

"I don't see any harm in it." Tyler stated.

"Are you sure he'd let us stay? With our reason?" Seán said.

"Well," Felix started. "We don't exactly have to tell him."

"How will that make sense?" Seán asked. He tends to think everything through, come up with a backup plan, decide if somewhere is safe enough for us or not. Without him, I'm sure they'd all be a mess. "Hi, great to see you! We can't tell you why we need to stay a few nights! Oh! And, you can't tell anyone we're here!" He acted as if he were meeting the guy Felix is talking about.

"It'll be fine." Felix rolled his eyes. "We can make up an excuse, then somehow convince him not to say anything. It's that easy."

Seán sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's not that easy, Felix. What if he knows what we've done? He can call the cops without us knowing then we're done."

"I can't help but to agree with Seán." I stated.

Ethan was next to speak his side. "If all turns to shit, we'll keep running. It's not like we haven't been doing that these past couple of years."

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