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Lindsee's POV

I was cold and wet from the rain..

so I headed back to my so called "home" which is just a dumpster by the side of a auditorium where a Bunch of bands and singers perform. I roundnded the corner of the auditorium and as I did I saw a big black RV parked right by the back entrance of the auditorium and a Bunch of screaming girls. Great now how am i gonna get past them? At that moment a man who look kinda familiar steped out of the RV and the girls went crazy he took pictures with some of them and went inside and all the annoying screaming girls ran to the front of the building, so I ran past the RV and as I ran I looked at the front of it and in the window a beautiful blonde lady stood there looking at me with a sorrow look on her face but I looked away and turned the .corner into the dead end alleyway and crawled into the green and blue dumpster and as I closed the lid I heard footsteps and I peeked through the lid and that lady I saw in the window was there in her night gown she had a worried look on her face and she was calling for someone.. was she calling for me? no she couldn't be why would she want me my own mother didn't want me..

Carolines POV

After Luke left I stayed in the RV so I could tidy up the place a little bit as I was washing dishes I looked out the window and saw this skinny dirty little girl,her blonde hair matted and two her thighs, her shirt way too small and riped and her pants had holes and dirt she had cuts and bruses every where she disappeared in a alleyway so I ran after her but when I got there no one was there I called out a few times but no.answer when Luke came in from his concert I told him about it and he became worried but we were both tired so we both fell asleep on the subject.

Luke POV

I woke up first so I made coffee and sat outside thinking about what Caroline told me last night.. about that little girl I was trying to think how to find her so I can help her so I thought she's probly hungry so if I cook something good it will attract her like a wild animal to its prey, so I started cooking BBQ I made a couple ribs and a porkchop I took the ribs inside for me and Caroline to eat and left the porkchop outside for the girl and me and Caroline waited

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