Chapter 1

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For Reader
Genre: action fanfiction. Contains some minor violence (mostly fighting), but not gore, drugs, cussing, or anything extreme.
Although the characters are based on real people, they are not accurate representations of who they really are. For those of you lost about the potato squad thing, it'll make sense later, so just bear with me.
Word count: 1,631

For Potato Fam
You guys inspired me to write this. Y'all are such a blessing and from the bottom of my heart I thank you. Not everyone is going to appear in this first chapter, but as the chapters go on, more characters will be added. Expecto potatom! P.S. Happy Birthday irunforkookies , again!

Cover art and one-liner by @harusikseu and @thismakesmesad, respectively. Thanks Joanna and Caitlyn!!💜


TacoFaitho🌮: Where are you?
CaityCorn🌽: At the PC-bang
TacoFaitho🌮: ok, I'll be there in 20 mins
CaityCorn🌽: ugh, my answer is still no
TacoFaitho🌮: Caitlyn, you are coming with me to this Day6 concert and that's FINAL. Trust me, you're gonna love them!
CaityCorn🌽: pft, over my dead Sims
TacoFaitho🌮: -_- just be ready when I get there
CaityCorn🌽: whatever

Caitlyn doesn't know what she's missing out on. There is the solid yet silly Sungjin. The tall, skinny goofball Jae. The cold yet hot Young K. The cute and playful Wonpil. And the shy yet sweet Dowoon. Each of them breathed and bled talent. Once she goes to this Day6 concert, she'll have to apologize for ignoring me every time I talked about them. Besides, it's my birthday and I'll guilt trip her into it if I have to. "I'm just not into all that idol stuff," she always says and I explain to her for the millionth time that they aren't really an idol group. They're so much more than that. I'll prove it to her.


"Tiff, how much longer will it be? We are running out of time," Dee asked, tucking loose dirty blonde hair behind her ear. She lightly kicked the man on the floor to make sure he was still knocked out.

This was Tiffany and Dee's last mission before their much deserved week-long break. They had a whole week of sleeping, shopping, and eating to do. And they were going to kick it all off with a Day6 concert tonight, their favorite band. No matter how exhausted they were after lengthy missions, Day6's music always had a way of reenergizing them. This time they would even get to meet the band after the concert for pictures and autographs.

"Don't worry, we'll have plenty of time to make it to the concert, Dee." She cracked her knuckles nervously before a final string of furious taps into her laptop connected to a system she was trying to hack.

"I'm almost...Done!" Red numbers flooded the screen as the system deleted every file it contained.

"Come on let's get out of here." Tiffany tried stuffing her sticker covered laptop into her messenger back. Just then a deafening siren went off flooding the room in red light.

"What did you do?" Dee screamed covering her ears.

"N-nothing! I swear!"

"Maybe something you did something to set it off!"

"Dee! Where's the guy you knocked out?"

They turned around to find the large man who had been guarding the door with his hand on the emergency button on the wall.

"You didn't tie him up?!" Tiffany screamed, taking several steps back as the man approached them.

"You can't knock me out from behind this time, girls," the man sneered. He pulled out a baton from his belt. Dee sized him up. He was at least a head taller than both of them which put her at a disadvantage, but she believed she could still take him. Tiffany clutched her laptop to her chest as Dee pushed Tiffany behind her.

Day6 x Potato SquadWhere stories live. Discover now