Chapter Nine || Memories [are only good if you remember them]

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... I have absolutely no excuse.

You startle awake when a cool hand gently touches your arm. Sitch hovers above you, finger pressed to his sly grin. He silently beckons you to follow. Confused, you obey. A glance behind you confirms that everyone else had dozed off as well, resting calmly in the warmth and under the stars.

The green haired program leads you out into the chilly air, away into the fog of Raspy Hill. Once you reach a safe distance from the others, you speak.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," came his reply. "Nightlight's not the only one who has a cool place to hang out."

You fall into silence, watching Sitch's flickering, glitching back as he ambles on, expertly navigating his way forward. Clip shifts a bit in your hair. You give him a love pat.

An attractively luminescent green patch on the ground catches your eye. You brighten in recognition.

"Dude, is that grass?!" You exclaim, pointing over. Sitch glances over briefly. "Yeah,"

"Hell yeah!" You pivot and race towards it, excited to feel soft, green grass between your fingers.

"Wait, (Y/n)!" You pause. "Yeah?" He shrugs, sadly.

"That grass... The greener it is, the sharper. It'll slice you up, easy as warm butter."

Your shoulders slump in disappointment, "Why..." You whine. "What is this hell that I can't even enjoy the simplest pleasures?" Clip clicks next to your ear in remorse.

Sitch stuffs his hands into his pockets, looking sheepish. "Yeah, well... Sorry?"

"Ha." You wave, "Carry on then,"

A hop, skip, and a piggyback ride later, Sitch opens his arms in a proud manner, with a triumphant, "Ta da!"

A river, two meters wide and winding away into the fog, lays before you. It's waters are glimmering with a silvery translucent light, and completely silent. A gust of fresh air flows with it, fully filling your lungs. Your eyes track flickers of blurry movement beneath its surface, moving quickly with the current.

"I call it 'the River'."

"Very creative, Sitch." The program puffs out his chest, flashing you a toothy grin.

"I try," he ushers you closer to the water, before taking off his shoes and stepping in. "Come on, it feels nice." Despite giving off the illusion of translucency, his feet disappear beneath the surface. You peer over, noting your lack of reflection.

"Stop standing there, Princess, and step in," Sitch extends his hand, "Trust me."

You hesitate only a moment, slipping off your shoes (and socks). The dry and brittle grass crunches underneath your weight, while you stand at the short bank. You take Sitch's offered hand and step in.

The water parts around your feet as they sink into the soft clay on the bottom. It feels like cool silk against your skin, not at all like water from a lake, or pool, or even the ocean. It gently grazed your flesh as it flowed on, leaving no other trace on you. You lift your foot again, surprised to feel it's dry.

"What- What kind of water is this?" Sitch shakes his head. "Not water, Princess."

He bends over, blinks out, and straightens, holding a floppy fish in his grasp. It was about the size of his hands, scales a shimmering silver, just like the water.

"They're memories. Everyone who passes through here carries with them, and leaves behind, memories of their past life. Now, not all them, mind you, but typically the most powerful ones.

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