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Faelyns POV

My alarm woke me up and I slammed my hand over the power button while dragging myself up and out of bed.

I walked over to my dresser pulling out todays outfit which was a simple gray tee and black skinny jeans with rips on the knees along with light gray vans.

I changed into the clothes before using the bathroom and washing my face.

Then jogging downstairs I pulled the box of cereal off of the fridge, grabbing a bowl and pouring myself some milk.

After eating I jogged back upstairs and brushed my teeth before pulling my hair out from its high ponytail and grabbing my plain black beanie.

I jogged downstairs to meet my mother already gathering her bag and she sent me a 'goodmorning' to which I returned before following her out the door along with grabbing my already set backpack and phone on the way.

"Jack will already be waiting at the school when we get there, sense we're half hour early, I was thinking you could show him around" she said, her eyes not once leaving the road.

"Sure" I replied as we parked in the schools lot and I hopped out to jog  to a very lost and isolated looking Jack as he peered around searching for something.

Finally his eyes caught mine causing my breath to hitch as he smiled warmly, while I jogged up to meet him.

"My mom said we have the exact same schedule so you'd show me around easier" I nodded looking at him and leading the way.

I opened the front door but he wasn't behind me and instead Paige was coming up to him. My eyes narrowed while I approached the two, Jack looking extremely uncomfortable.

She lay an arm on his shoulder while twirling her hair around her finger and chewing her gum obnoxiously all while saying quite dirty things into his ear.

"Dude, back off of Jack" I snapped standing between them and flicking her arm off of him."oh so that's your name" she whispered into his ear before turning to me "Why? You jelly Faelyn?" She purrs sending me a glare.

I scoffed as my four best friends approached. "Hey Faelyn" "Hey Lyn!" "Aye" "What's poppin" Daniel, Jonah, Zach and Corbyn all greeted while walking up to me to share our individual handshakes.

"Hey, now, Paige I think it's a good time to go." "Whatever, I'll be back Jackie!!" She screeched and I sent her a sour look while tugging Jack toward us.

"Guys this is Jack, he's new here he's also Skater-boy-" "what! This is who you've been-" "shut up Corbyn" Jonah butted in slapping his head lightly.

I rolled my eyes. "Jack this is Daniel, Jonah, Corbyn, and Zach" I pointed individually while Jack did that bro hug/hand thingy.

"How do all guys know that thing" I asked raising my eyebrows. "we just know" Daniel answered.

"Ok well then, do you guys wanna tag along, I was just about to show him around." "Yeah sure!" "We'd love to" "of course" "fine" I chuckled at Zachs response before holding the door open for them to enter.

I showed him all of our classes in order, then showing him all of the bathroom locations and the gym, music room, art room, and lecture room.

"Okay, Jack and Jonah, let's head off to our first, Corbyn I'll see you at second and the rest of you well meet at the garden" I concluded. We all said our goodbyes as me Jack and Jonah headed to first which was English.

We took our seats Jonah sitting behind me and Jack sitting to my left.

Midway into the lesson Jack tapped my shoulder, a confused look on his face. "What the heck, they didn't teach me this online, why is this so different" he hissed.

I rolled my eyes, "you'll get the hang of it Jack, just hang in there we have fifteen more minutes left before art" I whispered catching the teachers attention.

"Excuse me, why are you interrupting my lesson." "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again" and with that he sent me one last glare before getting back into the topic of today's class.

Finally the bell rung and we got up heading to our lockers, mine and Jacks were next to each other so he wouldn't get lost trying to find it or have trouble with his lock.

We put our books into the lockers before shutting them and headed to art to meet up with Corbyn.

"Aye bean" "What's Gucci Lyn" he replied as we walked in. Jack now was seated on my right and Corbyn on my left as we took our spots on the stools.

"Okay class this lesson is a free for all, you have the chance to paint whatever you want BUT it needs to include someone from the class someway In it" we all nodded our heads as we took out our paint pallets.

I sectioned my paper off into three sections. Then I started penciling outlines of Jacks eyes in one column, mine in the one below, and Corbyns on the bottom one.

Throughout the lesson I painted them in and they looked extremely realistic. Once I finished I looked over to see Corbyn painting the solar system and saw the smallest plane like thing on Saturn.

I chuckled, "where's the student?" "Inside the space ship, duh?" He answered as if it were oubvious as we laughed.

Then turning to Jack my eyes widened.  It was a painting of me painting, what the heck, and it was extremely detailed it looked as if it were a picture taken of how realistic it was..

"Woah.." "woah Faelyn look at yours" he pointed, his eyes widening changing the subject and turning his canvas away from my view.

"Jack that was honestly so go-" the bell broke through my sentence as she dismissed us. "Okay class we will be showing and telling your paintings on Monday, have a good weekend!"

I totally forgot today was Friday. We got up out of our seats and made our way to our lockers. We grabbed our lunch bags and I lead Jack outside.

It was a two minute walk before we reached the familiar wooden gate that lead to a small garden behind the school.

We entered seeing all of the boys seated on the rocks. We all sat down and dug into our lunch. Today was going pretty good.


It was now time to go home and we all made our way to our lockers. So far we haven't run into Julian and Alec yet.

I clearly jinxed myself as the two idiots made themselves clear of my view. "Hey Faelyn" Alec cooed pressing himself against the locker next to me, myself backing me up against my locker.

From the corner of my eye I could see Jack visibly tense up. "Can you get away from me please" I gritted through clenched teeth.

The four boys had their after school activities so it was just me and Jack. Alec set a hand beside my head, I only sent him a hard glare as he stood in front of me. "Get off of me-" I stopped mid sentence as I felt him weigh off of me, what the?

Oh my goddddddd

There was Jack, with a hand resting against Alec's chest while Alec stood against the lockers. "Dude, She told you to stop" he said calmly.

Then it all happened to fast because Julian came out of nowhere grabbing Jacks arm and twisting him around sending a punch to his jaw.

But what happened next surprised me....

Ahhhhahahahahaha cliffhangerrrr! And yes this chapter is EDITED!
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