Chapter 7

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Third Person POV

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Third Person POV

Camp Half-Blood

After Zoe had told people she was the "National Champion of Archery in the North East", Chiron and almost everyone else at camp wanted to see her shoot. They all knew her father was the worst archer when he was a demigod and were bewildered to find out her had the domain of Hunting. What shocked everyone even more was when Zoe shot ten arrows in a row without missing the bullseye.

She spit every arrow in half.

The Apollo cabin were amazed and asking her for lessons, which she thought would take Chiron's job away, but instead he asked her to help him teach archery.

"You, Chiron the trainer of Heroes, want me to help you teach archery?" To which Chiron nodded. "Gods yes!"

Following archery Chiron wanted to see how she would do with other weapons such as swords, knifes, spear, etc.

She use them like they were apart of her, but she was the best at Archery and with a sword.

Chiron was shocked that she had these skills, but had he got an idea to why. He didn't 100% know, so he decided he needed to find out-since she was his student of course.

About a week before the quest left, Chiron decided to ask Percy himself.

And no, not Iris Messaging him.

He asked Dionysus to flash him to the Hunters so he could talk to Zoe's father. Mr. D complained at first, but agreed when Chiron called in a century old favor.

When the trainer of Heroes arrived at the hunters camp he was bewildered to find Artemis and Percy together.

Holding hands.

Percy must have sensed Chiron because he turned and looked straight at his mentors half-house self. Percy sighed like he was expecting Chiron for some time now. He turned back to his love and gestured over to Chiron.

She seamed confused for a second before she looked over at Percy and nodded with a small smile.

The couple walked towards Chiron hand in hand.

Percy's POV

Umpqua National Forest, Oregon

When I saw Chiron I knew he wanted answers. My fate domain had told me he would be coming to ask so I had talked to Artemis about it.

We were both worried about his reaction, but I knew he would be happy for us.

"Chiron." I said coming face to face with the man who was a second father to me. Artemis squeezed my hand. "Follow me."

I lead the three of us to Artemis' tent that happened to me sound proof.

When we entered, Chiron looked at us with a small smile.

"She's good at archery." He started. "One of the best I've every seen."

"A national champ." I laughed. "Who would have thought."

"If I didn't know any better I would have thought that she got that skill from your hunting domain." He took a breath before he looked at Artemis. "She got it from her mother."

I looked over at Artemis and she had tears in her eyes.

"W-what is she like?" Artemis asked. Chiron smiled and nodded.

"She is headstrong, kind, accepting, and most of all loyal." He said. "The Perfect mix of her parents."

"Thank you." Artemis said before she leaned into me.

"How is she a demigod?" Chiron asked.

"I was still a demigod when she was conceived." I said looking down at Artemis who was snuggled into my side. "I became a God and Primordial the next day."

"That explains why she has powers from different gods." I nodded looking at the ground. "Why did you have Rachel raise her? I know the Ancient Laws don't forbid you from being with her."

"We were forbidden." Artemis said in a broken voice. "We were forbidden by Chaos."

"You mean-"

"The creator of the Universe?" I asked with my gas clenched. "Then yes."

"Even if you didn't raise her," Chiron started leaving the tent. "She is extraordinary."

I smiled at my old teacher and touched his shoulder sending his back to camp before comforting the women I would marry.

Third Person POV

Camp Half-Blood

When Chiron returned from speaking with the couple went to the attic of the Big House. It was dusty like no one had been up there for at least 50 years.

He went to the back corner of the room where a old black book was. He approached the book and took it from its place.

The book had not been touched for hundreds, if not thousands of years.

When he opened the book he smiled looking at some of the former heroes pictures. The pictures where of the first born child of every Greek and Roman God with the description of who the demigod was along with their parent.

The old teacher took out a picture of Zoe Jackson and wrote about her along with her gold parents. Chiron placed the picture in the book before closing the book and setting back down in its original place. Not to be touched for another few years.


The days leading up to the day the questers would leave the three heroes trained with each other, ate together, and on there off time were still together.

The three of them had become fast friends and were inseparable.

Zoe and Crystal were best friends and shared everything with each other. They even found out Zoe's father had saved Crystal's mother from Orion while Khione was pregnant with her.

Jace and Zoe had also gotten very close. They argued a lot about stupid things, but they never stayed mad at each other for long. If Crystal wasn't with them they were still together.

Crystal could see her best friends were falling in love, they just couldn't see it. Yet.

The morning the three were leaving for their quest, Chiron told the three they needed to go meet with the Hunters because that's where Percy would be.

The three friends started their journey that would save the world.


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