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'You ready to go?' Draco's head appears around the corner of the bathroom door.

'Almost. I just need to make sure I haven't forgotten anything,' I start rambling a bit as I go through a mental checklist. 'I just checked the wardrobe so I know there's nothing in there except my school robes and a couple of other things I know I won't need. I've looked through my bedside table and under the bed... wait. The bathroom. Would you mind checking the cupboard above the vanity for me?'

'I'm pretty sure you've already checked in there at least five times but yeah alright. Then can we go? We'll miss the train otherwise.'

'Oh please, they wouldn't leave without us,' I joke.

'They wouldn't leave without you,' I hear Draco mutter as he turns back into the bathroom. I want to tell him he shouldn't think like that but I decide to let it go for now. 'It's completely empty Hermione,' he calls, 'can we go now?'

'Fine fine. I'll be downstairs in two minutes.'

With a flick of my wand my trunk, which is lying open on my bed, closes itself and when I pick it up it weighs about as much as a galleon. I grab my coat and Iris, who is sitting rather grumpily in her cage, and head downstairs.


Draco and I meet up with Harry and Ginny and get a compartment on the Hogwarts Express where Neville and Luna join us.

There's an awkward moment when Ron walks towards the door of our compartment but stops short and keeps walking further down the train. Maybe it's because he saw the compartment was full but it's more likely because of Draco and me. Otherwise, the journey passes without incident.

I fall asleep on Draco's shoulder at some point and when he wakes me up it is because we are pulling into Kings Cross.


The first person we see when we get off the train is Mrs Weasley.

'Hermione!' She smiles warmly as she envelops me in a hug. 'And Mr Malfoy,' she greets Draco more coldly but I can see she's trying. Ginny must have already told her about our relationship in her letters because she doesn't seem surprised by his presence. 'I'll let you find your parents but you and your family are of course welcome to come for Christmas Hermione. You too Mr Malfoy, and your mother if she would like.' She glances over to where Mrs Malfoy is trying to hide in the shadows. 'Of course, I understand if you would prefer to spend the day with your own families but do at least drop by to say hello.

'Thank you very much, Mrs Weasley. That's very kind,' I tell her.

Draco and I say goodbye and leave her with Harry and Ginny. Ron stands by them, looking slightly awkward. I'm quite glad I won't be staying in that house for two weeks. Neville and Luna have disappeared into the crowd so I turn to Draco.

'Would you um... like to meet my mother?' he asks.

'Okay,' I nod and we start to walk over to where she is standing. I hadn't expected to meet her this soon and I'm a bit nervous but I suppose it's better to get it over with.

'Mother,' Draco says when we reach her, 'this is my girlfriend Hermione.'

'Pleasure to meet you Hermione,' Mrs Malfoy says politely. She reaches out her hand formally for me to shake. I'm not really sure what I expected but I'm surprised she's being so nice.

'Pleasure to meet you too Mrs Malfoy,' I say as I take her hand.

There is a slight pause before 'I am sure we will be seeing you over the break Hermione.'

'Hermione has said she'll come to the trial with us,' Draco tells her.

'That's very kind but you do not have to come. They are not very pleasant.'

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