Chapter 106: Correlation

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PAMA's slave waited on another platform of stone. The Lost clenched Raven's book in its grip, looking up at the vacant hole in the sky, watching as everything being pulled in is being broken down to slowly repair it.

PAMA heard the sounds of teleportation from behind, accompanied by the particles of an enderman scatter in the air. The platform stopped moving, as if some other force is preventing it from ascending to the hole in the repairing sky.

PAMA turned around to see Blink. Watching Jess command her mutant enderman to put her down on the platform she stabilized with [Geo-Kinesis].

"Master," PAMA acknowledged, giving her a slight bow as it looked at the new patterns and symbols of blood on her burned body, the black smoke leaking out of her closed left eye as black veins originated around it. "You look... different."

"Sorry for taking so long," Jess apologized, straightening her red-sleeved white shirt under her overalls. "I had to get changed, that explosion burned off the bandages on my chest."

Despite Blink's teleportation, Jess couldn't escape the blast fast enough. 'Although that's my own fault,' Jess thought bitterly, feeling the symbols and paths of blood on her body become cooked into her burned skin. 'Taking time to apologize to a dead man.'

"You have nothing to apologize for," PAMA handed over Raven's book as Jess placed it in her Inventory. "That winged freak should be dead by now. But what do we do next?"

"Now? We have to tie up loose ends." Jess said as she saw a green-white light approaching the platform in the distance. "You need to get to Reginald, he needs The Lost you are possessing. Isa and Cassie should be at the ritual site; Blink will take you."

Jess continued. "Plus, my Aura Node is gone." Jess glanced up at the hole in the sky where she threw it. "We lost our source of gaining elemental affinities; I'll have to find a new source."

"A pity indeed... but there is something you should know." PAMA stated, watching the same green-white light coming closer. "It's about the Clockwork Fortress, the cult of blood mages, and much more."

Jess looked at the single possessed, red eye of The Lost. "What is it?"

"A conspiracy," PAMA elaborated. "A level of political corruption that runs deep in the Kingdom of the Forest... and it involves your stepmother, Laurence."

That got her attention. "What does she have to do with the Clockwork Fortress?"



Her brother landed on the opposite end of the platform, his injuries healing with from the green-white energy leaking from his body.

"Seriously?" Jess deadpanned as she glanced at PAMA. "He actually flew back?"

"He survived the blast," PAMA looked at Jesse's torn and scorched clothes. "But it looks like the lich holding him didn't."

"Jess!" Jesse yelled in the cold air as he glared at his sister, who gave him a cold stare in return. "You're not getting away!"

"I already did get away," Jess countered before pointing to her mutated enderman. "I just came back to pick something up."

Jesse took a fighting stance. "Well, that will be you biggest mistake-!" Jesse froze as he used the runes in his right eye.

[Jess] Level 1050

Classes: [Harvester], [Necromancer], [Paladin], [Puppet Master], [Witch], [Illusionist], [Blood Mage], [Heretic], [Alchemist].

Title: N/A

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