Chapter 13 Six Feet Under

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I hated this, being Macy’s little servant. Everyday she would ask me to do something ridiculous like wear a maids outfit or embarass myself in public like screaming something stupid, even buy her clothes with the money I don’t have. What idiot goes to a name brand store to buy a one-hundred dollar shirt when you can go to a thrift store and buy the same for less. It makes me mad because she makes me see the things I can't have.

I get it, I will never be able to be on her level but there's no reason to shove it in my face. Being her servant has made me follow her everywhere -from the distance- and get whatever she needs. Doing that has also put me near Maxon, Zeth, and Hannah. I also have to put up with their crap just to save my personal life. It’s been three weeks since the day she threatened me, and I really can’t put up with this anymore.

Everytime she asks for a low fat Latte with whipped cream and a cherry on top, it comes out of my paycheck or my own savings. I was doing well saving money, giving some to Brandon, and storing the rest of it in my college savings, but it has gotten empty so many times because she and her friends ask for coffee more than three times a day and half of the time they don’t even finish it and throw it away, that or throw it on me. It gets on my nerves because I am getting nowhere with them. Spending time with them day after day while they throw my hard earned money away pisses me off.

Here in this school is even worse because this is where they like to mess with me, to show me that I don't have anymore freedom. I am always humiliated here, one day it will be a throwing contest and the other will be prank wars but instead of both sides giving pranks it them giving it to me. I am officially the schools new punching bag. I am finally done with all their crap, I have put up with this for too long and I want my freedom back.

I am on my way to give Macy her hundredth cup of coffee. As soon as lunch starts I run as fast as I can to Jace’s coffee shop to get one and somehow make it back on time before lunch ends. They have me running back and forth like an animal. Again as I walk to their table I see everyone facing me, and I hate being the center of attention.

“Here you go,” I handed her the coffee “Just the way you like it.”

“Excuse me, I told you what you are supposed to call me,” her voice had the right amount of bitch to it, to where I wanted to slap it out of her.

“Here you go Ma’am.”

I started to walk up to her but as soon as I took another step someone tripped me.

“What the hell!”

This is not going to end pretty.

“You did this on purpose, you little whore.”

“I just, fell…”

I turned around and saw Zeth smirking at me.

“Ugh, I swear you can’t do anything right!”

I looked around as everyone had their phones out.

“Here have some pasta to go with that stupid look on your face.”

As soon as I turned around Zeth dumped a bucket of spaghetti on me. It feels like it just came off the stove. My head was burning and my arms and legs stung. I shook it off of me as much as I could. I told myself not to cry, I have to be strong, but it hurts too much. I took the spaghetti of my head, it was burning in my hand but I ignored it, for now.

“Here,” I said as I chucked it at her “maybe this will go with your outfit.”

I got up and started to run but Maxon grabbed me by my collar.

“Where the hell do you think you're going?”

He then, grabbed my neck and slammed me against the table. He was squeezing hard enough to block part of my windpipe, he was choking me.

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