Chapter 24: Me?

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Time for school. Yay. Jack went home last night after I fell asleep. His soothing voice helps me sleep and I don't know what I'd do with out him. The blaring of my alarm just made me want to scream. I tried to get up but felt a tight grip around me. I thought he left? I turn over and see Reese, gripping onto my arm. Of course she's here. I laugh quietly so she doesn't hear me and gently remove my arm.

(A/N: time skip when he gets to school cause I'm too lazy to write details XD)

I push open the wide doors and instantly get engulfed in a hug by Daniel.

I typed, running up to him and hugging him.

"We haven't seen you in so long! We thought you died!" He laughs, letting go.

I joke, smiling. Corbyn and Jonah give me a short hug but do our handshakes after.

"Where's Jack?" Daniel questions.

I dont know.Probably with his new friend or whatever.
I huff.

"That Gabbie girl? Yeah, he's always talking about her, so much as he used to talk about you," Jonah says, looking down at me.

He, he talked about me?
I question, a faint smile appearing on my face.

"Oh yeah, all the time. It got kind of annoying sometimes." Corbyn laughs. "Okay, okay, enough ogling on Jack. Let's get to class," Daniel says, rolling his eyes.

I respond, clutching my books tightly against my chest.

He talked about me? About what I wonder.

A/N: Short chapter I know I'm sorry I was rushing to get a chapter in and tonight I had cried for stupid reasons so I'm just trying to get chapters in I'm super sorry. Oh I was crying because of Spider Man and Cedric dying (Harry Potter). Nice run off sentence Maya.

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