Barry the pickle

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This is the story...of how I got my pet sand snake 🐍. One day I was walking 🚶🏻, and in the desert 🌵(which is where I live), but I found this thing that looked dead, and I wanted to see what he was, and when I went up to him, he bit me...and it hurt...real bad. So as I walked  to my house after that, he chased me...for a long time, so I took him in my house🏡 , and when I did...he destroyed my place, so I sold him to the zoo...but they didn't want him...I don't know why. So I brought him to my friends to see if they wanted him, but they didn't, man...snakes must have a bad reputation...for people not to want him so bad. So I thought to myself "if nobody wants him, who will" then I realized "I do" I just needed to train I did.

And that's how me, Barry the pickle got my pet sand snake

                               THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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