Chapter 1

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I stared at the tall building. A feeling of panic rushed through my body. "Do it for the money," I muttered to myself, taking slow steps towards the gate. I cleared my throat and pressed the button.

"Hello?" A cheerful voice chimed.

"Um...My name is Eren. I'm looking for a job," I explained.

"Oh! Come on in!" I watched as the gate opened slowly. A boy with blond hair walked out and greeted me. "My name is Armin, but you will address me as Mr. Arlert when we are around Mr. Ackerman. Speaking of addressing people, always address him as master. You can call him whatever you want, but not when he's around. I'm kind of the one in charge of keeping all the servants in order," he explained, gesturing me inside. I looked around. This place was, huge was an understatement. What did this man do for a living.

"Good evening," a girl with short black hair greeted. I gave a small smile in return.

"That's Mikasa, Master Ackerman's assistant and planner. She is the only one who has more power than I do in this place. Except for Erwin, master's obnoxious friend." The first minute in this place gave me a clear feel of the place. People shuffled around cleaning, but in a very peaceful way. "Take a seat, Mr. Jaeger," Armin smiles and gestured to a couch.

"How do you know my last name?" I inquired. He laughed.

"It was on your application. I saw it and I have to tell you, not much is riding on it. Your experience is pathetic, but you seem to have a good attitude so I will look over it. Why do you want this job?"

"Um...I don't have any money," I sighed. The truth can't hurt, right?

"Honest...a good trait. You are aware you will have to live here and won't have much time to leave the mansion. Food is provided though and Master Ackerman isn't very cheap about feeding the servants so that is a plus. I like you, Eren. So much that I will give you a job here if you accept. As long as you follow your orders and do what tasks you are assigned we won't have a problem. Will we?"

", sir. I will do my best!"

"That's what I like to hear," Armin smiled and signaled over someone. "Jean, please take this man to an empty room and get him a uniform." The boy cleared his throat. "Please," Armin smiled, eyes glistening.

"That's better. This way, newbie." There was something going on between those two. That was weird.

"So are you and Armin..."

"No, why would you say something so ridiculous. Don't make such accusations. Here's your room. It's not very big, but don't complain. Go down that hallway to get fitted."

I walked down the hall, confused as hell. Where did he mean? "You must be the new servant! I'm Hanji. Oh, aren't you the cutest! Come in! I need to measure you!" Hanji pulled me into a room with white shirts and black pants lined up. "Can you take your shirt off for me? Trust me it's not weird."

"," I replied nervously, taking off the plain black top I was wearing.

"Wow you've got very defined muscles. You probably work out a lot," Hanji smirked, wrapping a tape measure around my torso. I gave an uncomfortable smile in return. "Try this one on!" Hanji threw a shirt at me and I slipped in on. "Hey Levi!" Hanji cheered. I jumped, looking at the door. Standing there was a short black haired man. His eyes pierced into my soul. He gave off an intimidating aura and I didn't like it.

"Who's this?" He questioned. His voice. His voice was deep and threatening. I quickly buttoned up the shirt and bowed.

"My name is Eren Jaeger. I'm here to work!" A chuckle escaped his lips and he walked away. I let out a relieved sigh.

"Don't be so scared of him. He's not as threatening as he looks."

"Why did you call him Levi?" I inquired.

"Like I said. He's not as threatening as he looks. I call him by his first name and there is nothing he does about it. Probably because I've known him for a while. He's a good friend to me if you can believe that," Hanji explained. I nodded. "It looks like it fits here are the rest of your clothes. Your tasks will be posted in the servants gathering room tomorrow morning. You can go back to your room and get everything set and get some rest before tomorrow. You can wander around anywhere except for the third floor unless your are ordered to go up there. Pretty simple. I hope I see you around, Eren Jaeger!"

And like that I was a servant working for Levi Ackerman. I found my way to my room and placed the clothes in the dresser given to me. I got changed and curled up in my new bed. It was surprisingly comfortable. A long sigh escaped my lips. I guess this was my life now.

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