How Was I Supposed To Know?

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When I awake the next day, I'm back in my tent. I must've gotten myself back to me and my moms' and lot at some point, though I don't remember how. I groan, turning over and trying to go back to sleep before I hear my phone ringing. It must be what woke me up.

With a sigh, I rub my eyes and peer at the screen. While the writing is blurry because of my tired eyes, I make out her name.

"Shit." I hiss, slipping on some shoes and leaving the tent before I answer. I walk a few feet away so my parents won't hear me before doing so.

"Hey, Camila." I greet, awkwardly positively.

"What the fuck are you doing with Lauren?" She snaps immediately, making me frown. How does she know her? And how does she know I'm with her.

"Don't even try lying to me, Y/n. I saw the photos on Instagram. I know you're with her." She continues. At least that answers one of my questions.

"I thought we were allowed to see other people, seeing as you and Harry decided to eat each other's faces on Friday." I retort, hearing her sigh on the other end, "How do you know who Lauren is, anyway?"

"She's my ex." She answers shortly, making my jaw drop and my eyes widen as I look out over the lake, "And it was a mistake. I didn't think he would kiss me, I- You didn't fuck her, right?"

Her sentences jumped around different topics, making me frown again.

"No, I didn't fuck her," I answer, though unsure. What? I was wasted. I can't really remember last night. "Did you fuck him?"

"Ew, god no." She answers, taking a deep breath before her tone turns from angry to apologetic, "I'm sorry, baby. I didn't want him to kiss me. He was coming onto me and-"

"You could've told him to stop, or leave." I point out.

"I did." She says instantly, "But he wasn't listening. He kissed me and I pushed him off just before you left-"

"Didn't look like it." I scoff, kicking a rock along the floor as I pace around.

"I was in shock at first. How was I supposed to he'd actually kiss me?" She says, probably as an excuse. A shitty one. I laugh at her and shake my head.

"You know, it's really funny how you'll get mad at me for kissing someone and then you go and do the same." My voice lets her know how sarcastic I'm being, "And you tell me not to be with anyone else, and you let some other kid kiss you. If he wasn't leaving, you could have."

"You kissed my ex!" She argues weakly. I just shake my head and bite down on my tongue for a minute.

"I don't regret it." I finally say, and hear what sounds like a sniffle from her end. Is she really crying right now? Really?

"Where are you?" She asks after another moment of silence. All anger, even all apologies, in her tone is gone. All that remains is sadness and care. It makes me feel horrible.

"Away." Is all I reply with. I don't need her turning up here and making me change my mind.

"Okay." She says quietly, "Just... please don't let this ruin whatever we have going on. I really like you, Y/n... just... please."

And with that, I hang up. What the hell am I supposed to do now?

"You okay?" I hear a voice ask and look up in shock to see my tired Mom standing there.

"Yeah." I nod, kicking another rock as I fiddle with my phone.

"Girl trouble?" She asks, and I nod.

"Something like that," I reply with a small scoff, moving to sit at the small table in the cabana. She lets out a small breath and heads back into her tent, reemerging with some croissants, ham, and cheese.

"Thanks," I mumble, making myself a combination of the food to eat.

"If you need help with anything, you ask us anything. You know that, right?" Mom says softly. This is the most caring I've ever seen her. She's always been the one to tell me to grow a pair and walk it off. That's just her way of showing she cares about me.

I smile softly up at her and nod, knowing I wouldn't be able to tell her about Camila and me.

"Other than that, you need a shower. You stink of alcohol." She points out afterwards, slipping back into her usual self, "I thought I told you not to drink at parties anymore. Your Mama won't be happy."

"Oops." I offer, cracking a smile when she does. She pats me on the shoulder and gets back into her tent, likely to wake said woman up.

Yes, Ms. Cabello. (Camila x You)Where stories live. Discover now