Can't Sleep

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"Vincent, you ditched me at school," Maddy approaches me as soon as I get out of my car. "I thought you went home. Where were you?" She gasps,"You're lip's busted!"

She extends her hand to hold my face, but I slap it away. Face glowing red from shock, Maddy attempted to calmly ask me, "What's wrong?"

I yank her hand out and place the crumpled homecoming ticket on it. 

"You made this didn't you?" I growl. 

"What? I don't even know what this is."

"Its the fake homecoming ticket you gave to Wendy."

"I never gave her anything fake," Maddy denies. 

"When we went to drop off Wendy's ticket, you said you would give it to her. So why was Wendy's ticket still in your purse?"

"I told you that was Luke's ticket."

"Luke told Logan to give it to anyone who didn't have one at the door as a nice gesture. I texted him and asked him."

Maddy, speechless, couldn't come up with anymore excuses. 

"If you have a problem with me, tell me. Don't take it out on Wendy anymore," I warn. 

"I felt bad for you since Wendy kept hanging out with that one actor guy, so I-"

"Don't overstep your boundaries again. I don't need you to do that for me."

"I was trying to be a good best friend."

"Don't flatter yourself. Wendy's my best friend."

"Vincent, why are you being so hurtful?"

"I'm forgiving of you because we're family friends. Don't do anything else to make me reconsider."


"I'm tired."

Leaving Maddy outside, I stroll into the house, only to be met with the furious asshole. He sits on the couch, arms crossed, and eyebrows furrowed into a glare that focuses on me as soon as I walk in. 

"How could you leave Maddy at school? Her dad called me and said he had to pick her up!" he yells. 

"Honey, calm down. I'm sure Vincent had a reason," Mom pleads with him, emerging from the kitchen. "What happened to your lip?"

"Leave me alone," I warn, trying to stomp upstairs. However, Mom latches onto my arm, now angry as well. 

"I know you're upset, but you can't be rude to your dad,"she scolds.

"You're an embarrassment. First, you refuse to get into business. Then, you get a ditzy girlfriend. Now, you're rude to Maddy."

"Say anything you want about me, but don't bring Wendy into this."

"Honey, don't be rude. Wendy's a sweet girl," Mom insists. 

"I'm sure she is, but she's ruining his life."

"How is she ruining my life? If anything you are!"

"You two, stop it!" Mom raises her voice. 

"Letting some girl seduce you-"

Grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl, I clench my fists onto it, cracking and crumbling it into smaller bits. Then, I hurled it at him. While most of the bits disperse on the couch, little hitting him, it still relieved some of my anger. I stared at him blankly, juice running down my arm and dripping onto the floor. It is obvious that he's overflowing with rage, but his bewilderment left him speechless. 

Started as His Girlfriend (Sequel to "Started as His Tutor")Where stories live. Discover now