Chapter 3

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For the past week it's been the same thing. Wake up, find out that my tasks haven't changed, do the same boring task, go to bed. After the first few days it wasn't so bad I guess. My legs are used to walking so much and Levi isn't yelling at me anymore. He doesn't say anything to me, which is a relief. I get my first paycheck today and it's also the day I get to leave here. I don't know what I'll do with my day off, but it will be nice just to get out.

"Here you are, Eren," Armin smiled, handing me the envelope. How he was always smiling is a question I'll always have. I looked at the copious amount of bills. Five hundred in total. I can't believe I haven't been working here longer. "What are you going to do with your day?"

"I don't know. I'll figure it out," I laughed, putting the cash in my pocket.

"I know this sounds awful, but I have to run some things to the Smith mansion and I really hate going there alone. Do you think you could come with me?"

That sounded like the last thing I wanted to do, but something in his voice was begging for me to go. "Yeah, I guess I can go."

Armin's face lit up ten times brighter than before. "Thank you so much! We can head out once I have everything!" I nodded and followed Armin.

"W-Where are you two going?" A voice from behind asked. I turned to see Jean standing there, a look of concern cast upon his face.

"Oh, we're going to drop something off some stupid paperwork at Erwin's," Armin explained.

"You normally go alone to that."

"Yeah, but Eren has the day off so I thought it would be nice to have company. Now we must get going out before we are late." Jean rolled his eyes and walked away. How was something not going on between them. Maybe Armin would say something.

"Are you and Jean together?" I asked curiously.

Armin laughed, "We are supposed to say no because relationships between servants are strictly prohibited, but yes. As long as you don't say anything about it we will be fine."

"Isn't it hard? Constantly keeping your relationship a secret?"

"Yeah, I guess. We get through it though," Armin smiles. "Mikasa, where are the papers?"

"Right here," Mikasa replied, handing Armin a large envelope. "Why are you bringing Eren along?"

"That seems to be the question of the day doesn't it," he laughed. "Do you want to go there alone?"

"No, I guess not. Anyways, have a safe trip," she said with a half smile. We walked outside, where a fancy black car was waiting for us. The handle had to be more expensive than anything I've ever touched.

"So our goal is to get these to Erwin and get out," Armin explained.

"What are the papers for?" I inquired.

"I don't know. They do business together, but no one knows what kind of business they do. It's better not to ask." Armin took a deep breath as we approached our destination. We slowly approached the tall door.

"Armin, what a lovely surprise!" A tall blond man smiled, opening the door.

"You knew I was coming, sir," Armin said with a straight face.

"I wasn't talking about you. Who's your friend?" he wondered. We walked into his living room, there weren't as many servants here. I could feel a warm welcoming presence from this place. "Petra, take these kind boys' coats!" Erwin shouted into the other room.

"This is Eren. He's new," Armin explained.

"Why did you choose that slobs place. You could have easily gotten a job here," Erwin smiled, looking at me intensely. "Petra! I swear to god come in here and take their damn coats, you fucking worthless piece of shit!"

"Look Erwin, we're here to deliver these papers and that's it. Stop these stupid games and just let us get back to our jobs," Armin demanded.

"Of course," he smiled. Erwin took the envelope and opened it. He looked pleased with what was inside. "Thank you dearly for that."

"Now we must get going, sir," Armin smiled and stood up.

"I understand, but can I have a word with Eren?" What did he want with me? Why did I make the choice of coming here.

"If that's okay with you, Eren?" He said, giving me look as if saying don't do it! I looked over at Erwin. Whatever he wanted to talk about, it wouldn't hurt to hear.

"It's fine, Armin," I smiled.

"Great! You can leave, Armin. I will send him back when I'm done talking."

"I don't think that's necessary. I'm going to stay," Armin insisted. Their eyes were having a conversation without even trying. Eventually Armin gave in. "Fine, send him back before dark or I'm sending people over."

"Works for me," Erwin smiled, ushering Armin out the door.

What could he possible want from me?

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