Mi Amour, La Un en Rouge | 5

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My love, the one in red | 5 (I'm pretty sure)

Tord's grey eyes sparkled against the starlight pressing against the car window. Tom smiled back at him, getting a ghostly feeling of Tord's soft pale lips which he wanted to taste again. Their hands were inches away from eachother against the cushion of the back seat.

Matt pulled onto the side of the street outside of Tord's house. The two boys in the back opened their doors, stepping down onto the pavement outside the door. The two quickly grabbed their things from the trunk and waved to Matt and Edd as they drove off.

Tord swung his bag over his left shoulder, keeping his hand rest on the strap, and the reached for Tom's hand under the silky sheet of the nighttime darkness as they walked across the street together.

At the door, Tord grabbed for his keys in his back pocket. He plunged the shiny bronze key into the lock and twisted it to the right. The door was tugged open quickly and the two boys placed their hands back down at their sides.

"Good evening, boys." Pau smiled, trying his best to speak English holding the door open for them. Tom nodded at Pau's glare as he stepped inside the small house, following Tord.

"Pau, this is Tom, from school, he has nowhere else to stay tonight so I invited him over, hope that's okay." Tord spoke to his father in Norwegian. Tom's heart fluttered, something about the way he spoke was just so soothing.

Pau nodded, closing the front door finally.
"Sorry our house is kind of messy, we just moved in." Pau said again to Tom. "You can leave your bag and shoes at the door, do you need a place to sleep?"

Tord shook his head pulling on the strings of his red hoodie as he took for the stairs with Tom in tow.
"I have that foldable couch bed thing, you know?"

"Ikke sant, Ikke sant!" Pau smiled, watching the two walk up the stairs. (I totally used google translate for that I'm sorry)

Tord opened the door to his bed room. Tom had kept his shoes and bag with him, setting the bag next to Tord's dresser as Tord had done the same.
Tord took off his shoes exposing his bright pastel pink socks as he sat in his bed.
"Make yourself at home, although there isn't much in here just yet." Tord sighed, laying back against his soft blue blankets.

Tom sat on the futon Tord had mentioned earlier, picking up the ukulele that had been tossed aside onto the couch when Tord had to get ready to go to school.
"You play?" He asked. Tord sat up then to look at the item Tom held in his hands, them immediatly threw himself back down. It was late and he was tired.

"Not very well." Tord said his hands falling onto his forehead.
Tom ran his hand down the strings softly.

"My mom has taught me a few things... can I play it?" He asked shyly now.

"Go for it." Tord muttered.

Tom's fingers danced on the strings playing a soft intro to a song Tord recognized. He sat up then, pressing his back against the headboard and pulling his knees to his chest to watch Tom play. He felt his heart beat faster then as he began to sing with his soft yet rough voice he loved so.

"Quand il me prend dans ses bras, Il me parle tout bas, Je vois la vie en rose." He sang softly in the dim light of Tord's bedroom, his legs crossed on the couch, the ukulele held carefully in his arms as he closed his eyes and let the music come from his heart as he sang his heart out with this french song.

Tord admired the boy across from him with stars in his eyes. He loved this boy so much, he knew that for certain.

That's when his phone began to buzz in his pocket. He did his best to ignore it and enjoy his time with Tom, but it soon got to be too much. He pulled his phone from his pocket his eyes scanning over the words.

'Three new texts'

All from Roy.

His mind flashed back to the night at the party and what it had done to everyone. He set his phone face down on the bed and listened to Tom finish the song before it buzzed again.
Tom opened his eyes now, hearing all the buzzing from across the room.
"Well you sure are popular, aren't you?" He joked.

"No, not really, it's the boy that liked me in Norway texting me again." Tord said, picking his phone up once more.

"Oh..." Thomas looked down for a second. "Is he bothering you?" He asked.

Tord opened the messages. 'I miss you' being the point in every one. He didn't want to seem like he was leading him on, yet he didn't want to be an asshole. He just wanted the constant texts to stop, there was no way he could ever be with Roy anyways.

Tom set the ukelele down and got up to sit with Tord.
"I have an idea." He said finally after Tord showed him a few of the texts.
"And what would that be?" Tord asked.
"Open your front-facing camera."

The room was dark, but their faces could be made out on the screen. Tom smiled and pressed the record button, quickly turing to Tord and taking his chin in his thumb and index finger, turning to face him. He was so close now, Tord felt his body heat across his cheek.
He leaned in then and kissed the other very passionatley. Tom grabbed the phone from Tord as he tried to kiss back and held it out making sure they could be seen, he then wrapped his other arm around Tord, pushing him over in the end of the video.
Tom now strattled Tord's lap, his legs bent on either side of him. He pulled away from Tord to send the video and then dropped the phone back onto the bed.

"Do you think that did it?" Tom smiled down at Tord.
"I think that was kind of a dick move." Tord said. He didn't know if he actually meant it or not. Sure he still cared for Roy, but it was still a way to let him down... semi easily.

"That's too bad for him." Tom smirked, pressing himself into Tord once more. He held Tord's wrists at his sides against the bed and kissed him hard, biting his lip. Tord opened his mouth a bit at the sudden action, giving Tom the access he wanted.

Their hips grinded together as Tom let his tounge in and began to move his right hand up into Tord's bunny-hug and under the cherry-red fabric. Tord gasped slightly as Tom's hand reached his waistband, so he removed his hand and bit his lip once again before pulling away and pushing himself off of Tord, yet keeping their hips locked together.

He beamed up at Tom, a small smirk played out across his lips, barley visible in the soft light.
Their cheeks illuminated a soft red as they both breathed heavily. Tord reached up and intertwined their fingers.

"Are we a thing now?" He asked. Tom sat up slightly biting his lip.

"I'd say so." He responded, leaning down and pecking Tord on the lips once more.

His phone buzzed all throughout the night, but he didn't dare check the messages. Tom lay next to him, holding hin in his arms as he slept, Tord placed his head against his chest, smiling to his heart beat as he himself dozed off.
He wrapped his arms around Thomas's torso and held him close, their legs tangled beneath the sheets. 


This took me three days just to think of oml. What am I????????? Anyways I hope you enjoy this TomTord fluff, I'm probably not writing like heavy smut here, if you really need that go read my other tomtord fic, All The Stars (ty Kendrick Lamar for the name no im not proud of that)
Just some info shit.

Constructive criticism is welcome, you can pm me if you need to.
Also feel free to point out any typos or spelling/grammar errors. You are not a dick for doing so.

TY <3

-xoxo J.J.

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