Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

"Seamus!" screamed Harry, running full pelt towards him, Sarah matching his pace. A member of Freiheit darted across them, unaware of blocking their path, but Harry and his sister just jumped round them, barely noticing themselves. Someone deflected a spell above his head as he tumbled to the ground, scooping Seamus up with his good arm. 

"Harry," he whispered, still smiling. "Sarah." 

"Hold on," cried Harry as Hermione and Draco skidded to a halt beside the Potters. Draco was firing spell after spell to keep people away from them. "We have to get him out of here!" Harry called to him. Draco looked back the way they'd just run; it was now swarming with people duelling. And dying. 

"Outside," barked Draco, indicating one of the flights of stairs behind where Harry sat, clutching Seamus as he convulsed and coughed up blood. Harry tried to use his broken arm to shift Seamus' dead weight, but the second he applied any pressure to it the pain flashed so fast and bright through his body he dropped him.  

"My arm-" he moaned, helplessly. Hermione dove down and looped her own arm underneath Seamus' back. 

"You can cover us," she gasped. In seconds, Draco was at her side, and Sarah was grappling for Seamus' legs as Harry took over deflecting any unwanted attention. But Sarah was too small, Seamus' legs were too long and too heavy for her to get purchase on. Harry reached over to help, but as his hand reached out Parvati Patil threw herself in his place. 

"Seamus!" she screamed. 

"Go!" shouted Draco, and they scrambled as fast as they could up the stone steps, away from the fight. Harry might have been tired but the adrenaline flying through his body had sharpened his senses, was pumping him full of energy and guiding his wand with frightening accuracy. Seamus was crying out in pain as the four students pushed and pulled his broken body in their attempt to get him to safety. 

"What happened!" sobbed Parvati. "Seamus, Seamus can you hear me? You'll be alright!" 

They reached the top of the auditorium, back in the shadows where Snape had appeared from as Freiheit had unveiled itself. "The door," grunted Draco, looking past Seamus' feet to a big oak set of double doors, similar to the one in the room Harry and Sarah had just been. Harry ran forward and heaved it open, wand between his teeth, revealing a marbled entrance hallway. They stumbled through, an awkward set of limbs, panic and sweat, running up a flight of grand looking stairs. Harry slammed into a second set of doors, bringing them out into the night. They kept running until they could go no further, collapsing onto the forest floor, the drizzle from before now a pouring rain.  

"Heal him!" Parvati practically screamed, and only now did Harry see how bloodied she was, how her lip was split and her clothes torn. He looked at Draco. They were both stripped down to jumpers, coats discarded. Along with Harry's rucksack and medical supplies.  

"I'll get help," said Draco, and he spun, racing back across the forest floor on his injured leg, through the doors set into the rock face.  

"Seamus," said Harry, reaching for the hand closest to him. Parvati was gripping the other one, cries racking from her chest. Their breath rose in curls of smoke through the rain and Harry couldn't help but to begin shivering violently with the absence of his coat. 

"You'll be alright," Parvati was stuttering. "You'll be alright." 

Hermione was next to Harry. Sarah stood above them all. "Harry made You-Know-Who disappear," she said to no one in particular. 

At this Seamus' eyes fluttered open, and he tried to speak but it caught in his lungs and he began coughing up more blood. "Don't talk!" pleaded Parvati, but Seamus ignored her. 

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