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Majoring in psychology and being a single father isn't easy, ask Jungkook.

Jungkook sat at the very back of the lecture hall trying not to fall asleep. The lecture had gone on for about 2 hours now and half of the people were either already asleep or falling asleep.

After about another half an hour, the bell rang indicating that it was lunch break.

He quickly got up from his seat and dropped off his books in his locker before making his way to the cafeteria where his friends were. As he stood in line waiting to get his food, he heard a loud crash from behind him. Startled, he turned around to find Namjoon picking up his phone, or more like what was left of it.

"Crap." Said Namjoon, looking at the pieces of his phone in his hands.

"Hyung, wasn't that your 5th phone this month?" Jungkook asked, trying to hold back his laughter.

"Oh shut up. I'm probably gonna go broke even before the end of this year if I keep breaking stuff." He sighed. "Yesterday, I broke my Ryan doll and I was so upset I had to buy a new one and it was ten times more expensive." He said, pouting.

"Anyways, how's Jeongmin doing?" Namjoon asked.

"Oh he's fine, another babysitter quit yesterday because she couldn't handle him." Jungkook groaned.

"It must be tough, you know, having to not only keep up with studying but also taking care of a five year old who always seems high on sugar." He chuckled at the last part.
"I guess, but it's worth it. Once I'm done with this shit I can get a job as a psychologist and start earning." Jungkook said.

"How's math treating you?" He asked the older.
"Don't remind me of it. I see constants and variables in my dreams." Said Namjoon, facepalming.

"Heeey guyyys!!" They heard a cheery voice from the other side of the cafeteria that seemed out of place in this dreary hell hole.

They turned their heads to see Taehyung standing on the table waving his arms all over the place calling their names. They shook their heads and chuckled.

"Hi Tae." They said in unison, heading over to him. As they neared him, they could see books piled around him; Shakespeare, Hamilton and a few books on grammar. He was majoring in English so it was expected.

"How are you?" He asked, showing off his boxy smile.

"Horrible as always." Jungkook said, setting his lunch on the table.

"Same here." Said Namjoon, taking a bite of his sandwich, which fell apart on impact. He groaned, completely done with life.

"So Kookie, I heard your last babysitter quit, so my girlfriend asked her best friend if she could babysit and she agreed!" He said, handing him her phone number.

"Oh, thanks Hyung I was actually searching for the nth babysitter this morning." Jungkook said, scratching the back of his neck.

"She's pretty good with kids so I'm sure she'll be able to handle him."
"Yeah hyung, that's what they all say." Kookie said, rolling his eyes.

"Yah, Kookie, if you keep rolling your eyes they're gonna come out of your sockets." Said a voice behind them. That can only be one person.

"Hi EOMMA."Said Taehyung.

"I'm just stating facts." Said Seokjin sassily.

"Why so late today?" Namjoon asked his boyfriend. (I gotchu Namjin shippers)

"Mr. Kang made us rehearse for the upcoming
show 20 times. And the fact that he's practically deaf made it even worse. I had to shout my lines for the past 2 hours." Jin said, massaging his throat.

"Remind me again as to why I took acting." Jin said. "Cuz you're amazing at it." Said Namjoon, pecking his cheek.

"Eeew get a room." Said Tae, grimacing at the sight before him.

"Pah-lease" said Jin, clearly annoyed with the younger's behavior.

"Anywhooo." Said Jin. "Are y'all eating healthy? And Jungkook, don't feed your baby too much junk ok." Jin said, glancing at the ebony haired boy who sat before him.

"Ok." Said Jungkook clearly not interested in listening to nutrition facts.

"The bell's gonna ring soon." Said Namjoon, glancing at his watch. "We better hurry to class."


Jungkook hopped off the bus at his stop and bid Tae goodbye before making his way home in the dark. Jeongmin was staying at home with his grandma so he didn't have to worry about confronting an angry babysitter when he got home.

He stopped by the convenience store on his way home to pick up some groceries and a lollipop for Jeongmin as he had been asking for one all day. Yeah, you could say that he spoiled his son quite a bit.

After doing some grocery shopping, he was back at the front door of his house, next to the house, was a tree with their names engraved on the bark of it

Sooyeon + Jungkook + Jeongmin =

He felt tears well up in his eyes at the memories but he had to ignore them for the sake of his baby.

He opened the door with his keys and stepped inside, like always Jeongmin was there to greet him.

"Appa!" He shouted hugging his dad tightly.

"Have you been a good boy?" Asked Jungkook squeezing his cheeks.

His mom came out from behind and smiled at the scene before her. She was really heartbroken seeing her grandson being raised without a mother but what could she do. She couldn't force her son to re-marry.

"I hope he wasn't too much trouble." Said Jungkook, setting Jeongmin down.

"No, he was quite good today." Said his mother, smiling at Jungkook. "But I better get going now." She said, opening the front door.
"Ok, bye eomma." Said Jungkook, waving goodbye to her.

"Guess what buddy?" Said Jungkook.
"You have a new babysitter"

Ugh I suck.

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