The lost Sublett mine

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Mines are very weird areas. We all know that some mines have alot of wealth, it just takes some effort and time to find out where and what sits beneath.

The Guadalupe Mountains, located in West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico, are said to be home to some of the richest gold mines in the world, a fact alleged by the famous Apache Geronimo. Ben Sublett, an old miner who lived during the 19th century, was supposed to have found a vein of gold, one so valuable he could mine $10,000 worth of gold in a week.[6] Unfortunately, the only evidence of his mine is a single hole in the ground, which is not much bigger than a man.

Long seen as a drunk and a liar, Sublett came into his local tavern one night, throwing down a handful of nuggets and proclaiming drinks were on him. A number of unsuccessful efforts were made to pry the secret from him, and attempts were made to follow him to his secret mine, but they were met with the business end of his rifle. Even when Sublett’s young son asked where the gold was located, Sublett told him to find it himself, like his father did. To this day, no one knows where the mine is located, and scientists don’t believe large gold veins are even located in the Guadalupe Mountains.

My conclusion
It would be nice to find so much of treasures but at the same time, we don't know if this place exists but maybe there are other mines that exist.

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