What The Hell is This?!/Requested

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Requested by snicole222

Warnings: Cursing, Dirty?!


Tony knocked on your door, you were in the lab and he didn't know. He opened the door and saw you weren't in there.

He sighed and was about to leave when something caught his eye. He refused to believe what he saw.

He exited the room before speaking anymore. He believed his eyes were playing tricks on him. He let out a deep breath and walked over to Clint who was on the couch.

"Clint." He hisses and Clint turned around. Clint raised a brow at him and Tony motioned over to your room.

"What?" Clint asked as he walked over to him.

"I'm hoping I didn't see what I just saw in       Y/N's room. So I need a new set of eyes to look." Tony said and Clint nodded.

Clint opened the door and looked around. He stepped inside and investigated. Tony stood outside the door.

"I don't see any- OH MY FUCKING GOD!" Clint yelled and slammed the door shut behind him.

"You saw it too?"

"No, I screamed for no reason!" Clint yelled and Tony rolled his eyes.

"So you saw the.....the...ya know." Tony mumbled and Clint nodded.

"Well she is 18." Clint said and Tony gulped.

"There's a fucking condom on her bed Clint!" Tony sneered and Clint furrowed his brows together.

"There was?" He asked and tried to peek through the door. Tony nodded and pulled Clint's shoulder so he could face him.

"Yeah! Why were you screaming then?" Tony asked.

"I thought you were talking about the lingerie on her nightstand!" Clint whispered loudly. Tony's eyes widen and he choked on air.

"No. No. No. no." Tony repeated and walked into your room. He saw it on the nightstand and his face turned red.

"Oh Jesus." Clint cursed as Tony walked out. They heard footsteps coming towards them and they hurried into the living room. Natasha was on the couch eating popcorn.

"What were you guys doing?" She asked and raised a brow. Tony and Clint looked at each other in fear. Tony looked like he saw a ghost.

"Y/N....Ha-Had L-L-L-," Tony couldn't speak clearly and Clint interrupted him.

"Y/N HAD LINGERIE AND A CONDOM IN HER ROOM!" Clint said loudly. Tony smacked the back of his head. Natasha snorted at the two men. 

"First of all, what were you two doing snooping in her room. Second of all, she's smart and old enough." Tony rolled his eyes.

"We have to do something about this! We have to talk to a god to help us. Where's Thor?" Tony asked and Clint shook his head.

"We can't. Thor's in Asgard with Loki." Clint said and the both men cursed.

"Oh we could go to Bucky!" Clint said and Tony gave him a look.

"Why?" He asked.

"He looks like Jesus." Clint said bluntly. Tony face palmed.

"He's not here. He's in Wakanda right now." Clint nodded and sighed.

"Who's closest to a god in this tower?" Tony asked and Clint sighed in thought.

Then Steve walked into the room and both men ran over to him.

"Steve we need your help." Tony said and Clint nodded getting onto his knees. Steve looked down at the two men questioningly.

"With what?"

"You need to get this thing out of Y/N's mind." Clint said frantically and Steve raised a brow.

"She's been having sex Steve!" Tony said, he looked away dramatically. Steve's eyes widen.

"Have you dumbasses ever thought that if the condom was on her bed it was protected sex?" Natasha yelled out to them. Clint and Tony froze.

"Never mind about that. She's wearing lingerie, Steve!" Clint yelled and Tony nodded.

"MY BABY IS GROWING UP TOO FAST!" Tony yelled and clutched his heart.

"I'm What now?" You asked walking into the kitchen. Clint and Tony looked at each other, frightened.

"Um, Clint has something to tell you." Tony said pushing him towards you. You eyed both of the men.

"Dad?" You asked Tony and Tony sighed in annoyance. Clint chuckled and raced onto the couch with Nat.

"Look, I went into your room and found-,"

"Condom and lingerie?" You asked smirking slightly. Tony nodded and gave you a weird look.

"How did you know?"

"Dad, It's my room and, I may have planted those items in there." You said and Tony's eyes widen.

He smiled and hugged you tightly.

"Oh thank god." He said and kissed your forehead.

"By the way, protected sex is always the answer." Tony said and you rolled your eyes.

"Yeah I know that dad." You said and Tony nodded proudly. He smiled and looked at you.

"So, you thought of this yourself?" He asked. You shook your head.

"No, Peter helped me out." Tony's eyes widen and he frowned.


You nodded and Tony sighed in annoyance.


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