Chapter 5

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While waiting for the 5 minutes to pass. A waiter approached me. "Hello ma'am, what would you like to get?" He asked. I smiled. "No thanks. I'm here for the interview that I have at 7:30. I'm just waiting for the time to pass." I said and he nodded. "I'll inform the manager." He said and left. Thank god that it's Saturday, otherwise, I'll be on my way to school now.

The same waiter came back and told me to come with him. I went and he took me to the manager's office. He knocked on the door and opened it. "Goodluck. You're gonna need it" he smiled and left. I was confused. I went in. "Hello, you must be Alaa right?" He greeted me and I bowed. "Ah ne. I'm here for the interview." I said. "You can take a seat now." He said and I sat in front of him.
"Well, I have few questions. Good thing that I know that you came here early. You must really care about timings. That's a good thing." He said and he seemed satisfied. I nodded.

After a while, I'm done with the interview and I got the job. "You can start working from tomorrow. On week days you're gonna work from 5PM to 8pm an on weekends, you're gonna work from 8Am to 12pm." He informed and I thanked him. I bowed and left.

I took out my phone and found a missed call and 2 texts from Manny. I read the messages.

Manny: where are you? Are you ok?
Manny: reply as soon as possible.

I replied.

Alaa: I'm fine. I'm coming back in around 1 hour or so.
Manny:why? Where are you now?
Alaa: I'm heading to a cafe now because I'm hungry.
Manny: want me to come along?
Alaa: I prefer to stay alone. But thanks anyway! 🙂
Manny: No problem. Take care.
Alaa: alright.

I put my phone in my pocket and headed to another cafe from the one I'm going to work in. I went in and got a double chocolate chip cookie and vanilla frappe.

I sat down on one of the tables and started eating and thinking at the same time. I don't know what to do anymore, I want to tell Manny that I heard him yesterday, but I also don't want because he would want an answer and I don't have an answer yet. LIFE IS HARD!!! I have already done eating and I haven't realised that tears are falling from my eyes. I wiped away my tears and got up heading anywhere but Manny's home.

I looked at the time and it's 9:45 AM, I went to the Manny's secret place. I looked around and I just want to stop thinking about everything just for today, but it seems that I can't take it out of my mind. I sighed heavily and closed my eyes taking a long breath.

After a while, I felt that someone is here, I opened my eyes and saw Manny staring at me with a small smile. I smiled back and closed my eyes again. He sat next to me and I layed my head on his shoulder. "Where were you this morning?? Me and mum woke up and didn't find you." He said. I opened my eyes and lifted my head from him and looked down avoiding eye contact. "Well, I got hungry at 5AM so I went to the nearest convenient store to get something to eat, and didn't feel like going back. So here I am." I replied shrugging. He turned and I felt his gaze on me. "Alaa, I feel that something is wrong, can you tell me what is it?" He asked and I can hear the sadness in his voice. I felt bad for not telling him anything. "*sigh* well. Yesterday, when we were in school, when were at the roof, you said that you have feelings for me. So I heard everything cause I wasn't sleeping. And it's on my mind since yesterday" I replied honestly. I still didn't look at him. I started crying silently all of the sudden. I hate crying in front of people. He slowly came closer to me and hugged me letting me cry on his shoulder. I stopped crying and moved a bit away from him to give him some space. "Can I ask you something?" He asked and I nodded slightly. "Who is the guy whom you love?" He asked and I looked into his eyes. I saw sadness. Well I guess I have to tell him. "You" I said in a low voice but he heard it. "So you love me?" He asked shocked and I looked down and nodded, I knew I was blushing. Then all of a sudden he chuckled. I looked at him confused. He smiled at me and looked back in front of him not saying a word.

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