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LEAVING THE PARTY HAD BEEN EASIER THAN JOSÉPHINE THOUGHT, Regulus and Ebonee we're still dancing in their own little world and Joséphine hadn't seen Callie since she disappeared up a staircase that she figured lead to the dorms

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LEAVING THE PARTY HAD BEEN EASIER THAN JOSÉPHINE THOUGHT, Regulus and Ebonee we're still dancing in their own little world and Joséphine hadn't seen Callie since she disappeared up a staircase that she figured lead to the dorms.

She had just turned down one of Hogwarts hallways when she heard yet another set of footsteps behind her. Joséphine thought she was hearing things when she looked back and once again saw nothing, until someone that wasn't her swore under their breath. Slipping her wand out of her pockets, she swiftly turned around and shouted a spell.

"Homenum Revelio!"

Joséphine expected someone to be pulled from behind a pillar, the spell she had cast was the Human-presence-revealing spell which showed any other living person within a certain vicinity, what she wasn't expecting was for Sirius Black to suddenly materialise out of thin air.

"Blimey!" He yelled as a cloak was pulled from his fingertips and thrown across the hallway.

"Sirius?" Joséphine gapped. "What are you doing here?"

"Hey, Jose. How you doin'?" Sirius scratched the back of his head as he smiled at the girl he had basically stalked this whole night.

Not answering, and not giving him the chance to get it back, Joséphine walked over to the piece of material and picked it up. It was like a soft blanket that had a weightless feeling. Joséphine knew exactly what it was, and had a sinking suspicion of what the boy had used it for.

"An invisibility cloak?" Joséphine rose an eyebrow as Sirius fidgeted. "Huh."

Sirius gulped as he ran through his mind to think of an plausible excuse. At the start of the night what he had done had seemed almost heroic, now it seemed way too creepy.

"It's James'." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth when he opened him, followed by a curse aimed at himself.

"Huh." Joséphine spoke again.

"It's been in his family for decades, passed down from father to son - because the Potters usually have sons - and we usually use it to prank on people or sneak to the kitchens." Sirius rambled, wondering what the hell was wrong with him for him to act this way.

"Huh." Joséphine said once again. She didn't know too much about invisibility cloaks, enough to know that one that has been used for decades was a priceless one. Men would sell their souls for something like this, as invisibility wasn't something that the wizarding world had really able to crack.

Their were spells and temporary invisibility cloaks that could be bought, but like their name they were only temporary. It always, always wore off after some time and no one knew why. Joséphine guessed it had to do with the fact that no one was powerful enough to wield that kind of magic.

"I can explain." Sirius pleaded.


Sirius scowled as she said that three lettered word once again, he never detested a word so much as that one in that moment. It didn't show him what she was really feeling, whether she was mad at him or happy, though she seriously doubted she was seeing as he wasn't exactly in the best of situations right now.

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