Mike Wheeler| I've always loved you

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You were sitting in class watching the teacher teach something you'll most like forget. You and Dustin were making faces to each other causing the both of you to giggle.

Mike glared at the two of you making both it you stop. He hasn't been the happiest person since Eleven left.

He would always snap at most of us, daydream or not even listen to whatever we said. It hurt me the most when he would get mad at me because I've had a crush on him since last year.

Before everything started with Eleven, I thought him and I had some sort of connection. But all that went away.

Class was soon over and I followed the party outside. "Arcade today?" Dustin asked. Everyone agreed except Mike.

He was staring at his bike before he looked up at us. "Um, sorry guys, don't feel like coming today" he said as he got on his bike.

No one said anything as he rode down the street.

"He's so stuck on Eleven it's bad" Lucas said. "I wish he could move on, because what if she never comes back?" Dustin said. "I hope she comes back" Dustin continued.

Will gave me an sympathetic look. He was the only one who knew about my crush on Mike and he wanted both of us to be happy. But mike seemed happy when El was around.

"Well lets go" Lucas shrugged and all of us got
on our bikes.

Lucas was watching Dustin play this game as Will and I sat at the snack bar and talked.

"Do you think Eleven will come back?" I asked. "I don't know, maybe she will, I never got to meet her" he said.

I looked down and played with my fingers. She barely even communicated with me when she was around, only Mike.

"Maybe you should try to talk to Mike, you shouldn't keep your feeling in for him" he said and I shrugged.

"He probably wouldn't care, he's like in love with Eleven" I said. "But you don't know if he has feelings for you or not, before he knew Eleven, I noticed you guys had a little thing going on" he said and I eyed him.

"Well that thing is over now and he has a new thing for El" I said. "Do you want that back?" He asked.

"Of course I do but he won't" I said. "Y/n, if I tell you this don't tell him I told you" he said and I raised an eyebrow at him and slowly nodded.

"Mike had a crush on you since you joined the group but he didn't want to risk your friend with him" he said.

I was pretty much speechless.

"But he needs someone to talk to and you'd have a better chance than the rest of us" he said as I shook my head.

"I can't talk to him, I might say something wrong" I said and Will later his hand on my shoulder.

"Listen, I promise he won't do anything, he just really needs someone right now" Will said and I nodded.

Our heads snapped to see a ruthless Dustin hitting the game.

"I hate this overpriced bullshit" he said making Will and I chuckle.

After a while, everyone went home while I went to Mike's house. I was so scared that I would say something to upset him.

I did a quick 3 knocks on the door and a few seconds later, Mike's sister Nancy opened it. "Hey y/n, he's in the basement" she said opening the door wider.

I nodded and started walking. I crept down the stairs to see what he was doing. He was sitting where El would sleep at talking on the Mic but nothing but white noise would reply back.

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