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It was almost the start of my second year of junior high in Busan.

If I tell you I was a crybaby back then, would you believe me?

Well, believe it or not. I am.

As the second child, I was pampered with so much love, from my parents, from my older sister, and of course from Jimin, even his parents.

Dependent, shy, awkward, introvert, pessimist, and a crybaby. A messed up combination ever which they called it, me.

But you know what's funny? They all found me cute because of that. The worse part is, I believed in that too.


Jimin was always a happy bubbly person. Even though sometimes I found him annoying, I needed him the most to fill my social needs. Hence, I have no other best friend to rely on other than him.

It was such heartbreaking news to know that he will go to America for a good damn two years, leaving me alone in the wild of youth. Could I survive?


But hey! I still have my lovely sister! We went to the same school, even though she abstained so much in class. As long as she is alive. I think I can survive till Jimin is back. I thought.

Her friend is also my friend. Right?


It was a moment when Jimin already has gone to America for two months, leaving me alone in the class, trying to solve the ridiculous algorithm equation that the teacher gave.

One drop, two drops, the sky that already darkening by the grey colored clouds started to pour heavy rain. The class went quiet, where only water drop could be heard. That until a teacher barged in, panting and looked around, then his eyes locked with mine. His widened eyes suddenly softened, then lowered, as if he was pitying me. But why? I cocked my eyebrows in confusion.

"Y/N, Please come to the teacher room right now."

When we reached the front door, he suddenly snaked his arm over my shoulder. Patting me lightly, making me flinch.

"I'm really sorry dear, we just received a call from your parents, and they want you to go to the hospital now."

I furrowed my eyebrows as my heartbeat getting louder. No, no, no way it was what I'm thinking of.


"Your sister just passed away."


The next thing I knew, my life suddenly fell into the lowest pit.

My one and only sister, died.

She was born with leukemia. We did everything to save her. Everything. But right before another year of junior high started. She passed away. We always know, but still, we were devastated.

She was a pretty young lady, a year older than me. Popular, smart, and enchanting. Everyone in the school loved her, because the opposite of me, she was a social butterfly. She was a bright person, always hiding her pain within her smile. Those loves they had to her were too overflowing, they even spared it for me, the one who always shadowing behind my sister back.

The love making me blind and naive. I didn't even realize that some people who envied her, will throw their tantrum at me.


I was sitting on my knee, as my parents greeted everyone who entered the mourning hall. I just cried silently there, ignoring everyone who tried to comfort me.

Everyone came and lay a white flower in front of her picture to pay respect. Before I realize, the desk was already piled up with those beautiful white flowers.

This my sounds exaggerating, but nope, I could say that almost the whole school came to visit my sister's last resort. That shows how much people loved her. They were all crying and sobbing.

But some of them came snickering. Those wicked ones, who pretended to mourn.

I think I have lost count on how many people came by. Well, it's not that I'm on my right sense of mind to think about them anyway. That until a familiar white-haired guy came, with black bags under his eyes. His already pale face looks even more drained.

He walked wobbly to the front of her picture. My eyes couldn't stop following him, as I saw he rested another flower then break down right away.

I saw him and I cried even more. My black hanbok' s sleeve already soaked wet because of my tears.

His two friend came by after that, the one was a girl. With long straight black hair. She was so gorgeous, and his other friend was her boyfriend. The girl name was, Lina? Li-Lisa? Yeah, Lisa.

Her boyfriend's name was Bambam, we know each other but not that close.

They came to help console the smaller guy who was still a sobbing mess in front of his late girlfriend picture.

He finally moves toward my parents, bowing to pay respect.

"Yoongi hyung..." my voices cracked

He looks so vulnerable, so weak, so exhausted, so miserable.

Our eyes then finally met. He kneeled and we know, no words needed to be said. I unconsciously pulled his body forward and hugged him tightly. We cried together.

"I promise I will always be by your side."
He whispered in between our cry.




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