Their First Act

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That's enough of the questions for now. You get the point, they came from the past and they have answers to everything.

Now the hard part for them is to take actions. They talk and talk but they had to do something, right? They can't just come and talk how they came from the future/past and do nothing. They have to make an invention or something. That's what anyone expects. And you are right, that is exactly what they did. Actually they did a lot of things as you know , not to mention the great system idea, but they did a lot of small things too.

Minor changes that when you see them, you think "why the hell didn't we think of this before?" but today I am not going to talk about those small things. I am gonna talk about their first ever big creation. The thing that changed the world forever. It changed our entire life style, living habits; it increased our free time and it made everything else easier. You know what I am talking about. "the Sleep Regulator"

Ok first you have to know couple of things about basic sleep physiology. Since this is not our subject, I am going to tell it very superficially.

There are two fundamental sleep states: REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and non-REM sleep. REM sleep is regulated from the brainstem, whereas non-REM sleep is regulated from higher brain centers.

Usually, REM sleep happens 90 minutes after you fall asleep. The first period of REM typically lasts 10 minutes. Each of your later REM stages gets longer, and the final one may last up to an hour. Your heart rate and breathing quickens.

You can have intense during REM sleep, since your is more active.

Ok this is the weird part. Your brain is more active. And this is the actual relaxing part. If you don't get enough rem sleep, you will wake up feeling tired. Your brain is actually relaxing when it is working the hardest. It is amazing isn't it?

Anyway there are a lot hormones, enzymes involved and in order to maintain a quality sleep, lack of light is absolutely important.

So what I am trying to tell you is there are a lot of factors that can effect a good night sleep. Enviromental factors of course is important but your brain and hormones have more parts than you think.

So what did they invent?

What did they do, to convince people that they actually come from a more technologically advanced past? Other than they were trapped in a shuttle , being underwater locked in some cabins, including a dead body who is thousands of years old. But we just can't believe it right? We need more proof.

So this invention did that. Proof , here you go.

I found a video Saey introducing sleep regulator. Let me share it with you so you hear it from the first hand.


"What was the hardest thing you had to adjust when you came to our time?"

This is one of the most asked questions to me. What was the hardest thing?

This is going to sound crazy to you, I know but, You asked for it. So..

The answer is ... Sleeping. Yeah... Sleeping was the hardest thing because you are actually doing it wrong. So you get up all tired and you waste a lot of time. I mean 8 hours a day. That is one third of every single day. Think about it. If you live 90 years. You will have slept 30 years.

30 years can you believe it. That's a whole life, 30 years. That's a life you won't even remember. It's just gone. You were unconscious.

Of course I am not saying DON'T sleep , obviously we need it. But back in my time we slept differently.

Our beds was a little more advanced than yours . Now I think you believe you have to sleep 8 hours a day, right? What if I told you, you could get enough sleep in 94 minutes. That's right. 94.

Don't worry you are not gonna get up all tired like you do right now.

So how is this possible?

Have you ever snoozed your alarm for 20 minutes and get up 20 minutes later all freshed up. Sometimes that 20 minutes feels like an hour. Sometimes more. Why is that?

Well, it's called REM sleep. See sleeping consists of 2 stages. Non REM and REM sleep. Now you are thinking how do I know your terminology ? I knew these stages of course but only in my language. All I did was to memorize what you call it.

OK. Lets continue. These 2 stages takes 90 minutes and then the cycle repeats. If you wake up exactly 90 minutes later after you slept, you are going to wake up refreshed. But if you wake up during your REM sleep , say 83 minutes later, you are going to wake up sleepy and therefore angry. All you need in reality is a good REM sleep. That's the one that takes away all your tiredness. But in order to get to that REM sleep, you have to complete the non REM stage. It's like a video game.

And also youcan monitor these sleeps through and electroencephelogram (EEG) and see ityourself.So yeah we attachedourselves to a monitor every night before we sleep but then we realized, do wereally need those cycles? And what ifwe don't have to complete the non REM sleep. So we searched for a way to induceREM sleep. And after many research, we created the ideal sleeping bed, or acapsule if you will. In complete darkness and silence and feeling of safety (notonly for an intruder but also earthquakes etc.) The monitor wakes you up at theexact moment when your REM sleep ends. So you wake up feeling great. All you haveto do is have one of these capsules which we created and modified for yourworld. And before you go to bed, you have to drink this juice. It helps you tofall asleep immediately and it also contains necessarry supplements for a goodnight sleep. You would be surprised if you knew how many vitamins and mineralsyou need for a great sleep. But in this juice , this juice has everything youneed. I know thissounds like a commercial but this part is different. We are not selling this. We are not trying to make a profit. So toprove that, on our website there is a pdf file that tells how to build thesesleeping machines and how to produce them. It is all free, that way everysingle firm thats interested in this, can make their own. We don't care aboutthe money. This is going to help you make up so much time .Think about it you have extra 7 hours everyday. 7 hours man.If you spare 1 hour everyday for learning a new language or learn how to playan instrument you could have that ability by the end of the year. And you stillhave 6 hours you didn't have today. My onlyadvice to you don't waste your time like yo do right now. Don't wasteyour valuable time by overdoing unnecessary activities that you only do forfun. Because this life is really short. And helping one another, making adifference, saving a life, doing something good for other people .. Believe meliving like that is much more fulfilling. And it is so much more fun. This is ourfirst of many attempts to change the world. An amazing future is ahead of you.Thank you.

Changing the world.. That's exactly what they did. I bet you didn't know we slept 8 hours a day before GSF. They didn't teach you this at school, right? That's why I wrote this book. I know how GSF story ended, I know what they did, I acknowledge that. But I also think it is unfair to delete them from history. After all, they did a lot.

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