Chapter Forty-Three

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I sit in Woozi's car, wide-eyed. It's been quiet for a few minutes, neither of us sure what to say.

When I finally find my voice, I say, "Woozi, what do you mean?"

"I have feelings for you, June," he repeats.

I shake my head. "I need to go home," I whisper.

"June, please-"

"Stop," I interrupt. "Just take me home."

Woozi nods and starts the car. The drive home is completely silent. He finally pulls into the driveway and I get out. I don't say goodbye. I walk to the for and close it behind me. I wait for Woozi to leave. He finally does and I breathe a sigh a relief.

"You're back early."

I run and see Abbi and Celeste standing behind me. Celeste is holding Jack and Abbi is holding a baby girl, which I'm assuming is Addi's too.

"Hey guys," I mutter.

"What happened?" Celeste asks.

"It's nothing," I say. "Don't worry about it."

"Did Woozi tell you?" she blurts.

I stare at her. "You knew!? Why didn't you tell me?"

"He wanted to tell you!" Celeste shouts.

"I have no idea what's going on, but I'm mad at you to!" Abbi says.

"Why?!" I ask, throwing my hands in the air.

She shrugs. "Because it's fun being mad at you."

"So did he tell you?" Celeste asks.

I glare at her. "No," I say sarcastically. "I found out myself."

"Shut up," she mutters. "I was just making sure."

I sigh. "Where's Addi and Jin?"

"Addi's upstairs in bed," Abbi says. "Jin wen tot th studio."

"So do these adorable babies have names yet?"

Celeste nods. "Jae Sung and- ugh- Cece."

I roll my eyes. "Of course." I walk over to the baby girl in Abbi's arms and smile. "Hi there Cece," I whisper, brushing her tiny hand with my fingers.

"Celeste!" Addi yells from upstairs. "Where's my food!?"

I look at Celeste. "She's still eating?"

"Yep," Celeste says. "If she keep this up, the whole kitchen will be gone in a few days."

"No kidding," I mutter. I clear my throat. "I'll be in my room if anyone needs me."

I walk upstairs and start to walk past RM's room when something stops me. I turn to the open door. Not sure whether I should go in or not, I stare at the room. 

He's your boyfriend, I tell myself. You should be able to go in his rom whenever you want. Besides, you need to get over your fear of this place.

So I go inside. I close the door behind me ad look around. I notice a few papers on his desk, so I walk over and check them out. As I read through them, a million thoughts run through my head. What is RM writing about? I flip to the next page and my heart  stops. It's song lyrics. About a  breakup.

A tear runs from my cheek and splashes onto the paper. I know this is about me. Who else could it be? But why is he feeling this way? Why would he say that he's not the one for me? That I just need to move on?

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