Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven 

William did his best to plaster a smile on his face at he gazed into the eyes of Lady Mary. She was pretty - he had nothing to complain about. But the more his eyes lingered toward her bosoms, the more disappointed he was. Despite the wealth attached to her and her rather fashionable beautifulness, he simply couldn't palpably fathom her as a wife he could grow to love. He wondered if she would be capable of fruitfully siring him heirs. The more he examined her physique, the more he questioned it. But she looked ever so innoceant and sweet. But he could catch the scent of desperation expiring from her complexion.

"Oh you grace, what is it that you could have summoned me for?" She batted her lashes.

William hesitated, sighing as his eyes wandered from her eyes to the flatness of her chest. It was preposterous how much of a cutting board she looked! But it had been under harsh scrutiny of his sister and grandmother that forced him into such an unwilling position. Now that he was proposing perhaps he could also regain his freedom. It was popular to have a wife this time of the year wasn't it?

"I've been meaning to ask, my dear," he gently took her hand into his grasp, bringing forth a gentle kiss on her hand. "I want-"

But before he could utter another word, a shrill yet familiar voice pierced the privacy of the garden. A glowing figure of his sister appeared in sight and she appeared to be fuming more than usual.

"Please excuse us Lady Mary. I promise you whatever this fool was about to stir, please do not ever take it to heart. It would be best for all parties." Charlotte murmured sweetly before her attention was poisonously addressed to her brother again. The honey colored girl seemed disappointed as she watched the man disappear from sight.

"Come along brother,"her words sharply strewn, dragging him by the hand before he could formally bid his adieus to Lady Mary.

Charlotte had managed to successfully pull Willam all the way to his private studies before slamming the door behind her, hands on waist. The more he looked at her, the more of a mother she had become - a role he hadn't quite rationed in mind. But it suited her. She was joined by their grandmother who never appeared so wrathful until now.

"What have I ever done wrong this time? I abided under your rules! I was even about to propose to Lady Mary if it hadn't been for your interruptions." William sighed looking every part the innocent victim.

"I CAN NOT believe you William!" Charlotte was hysterical as she threw a piece of paper from his desk upon him.

Was it a debt? Or some sort of false claim against him again.

"A letter, oh goody, I wonder what it could be." William muttered, rolling his eyes as he skimmed the paper before his own face paled.

"You are going through with this. You will for the sake of your grandmamas health!" Fanny barked. "I will not neglect the blood of the Cecil family and drag our noble name any further through the mud. You will politely and kindly care for her. All your dalliances will and must come to an end!"

"How can you be so sure of this!?" William argued back. "For all you know the women could have slept with who knows what and blamed this upon me!" His voice had jumped another octave knowing full well that he had been an absolute bastard to steal her virginity. The likelihood of her with another man was little to nothing but he wanted to deny it. He wasn't ready to commit - hell, he never wanted to. But he could already see the grave before him. There was no chance of him escaping or running away or even brushing this scandal under a rug. His hands were tied together.

"I trust Miss Langford's judgement entirely. She has been a good woman and she comes from a wholesome family that have always had the decency of being honest people. Not to mention I have two solid forms of proof," Charlotte emphasized using her index and middle finger. "You stupid mongrel left blatant proof upon your sheets which the servants cleaned up. And the frantic nature of Miss Langford's dismissal was not ignored. I had hoped nothing better of it but you have some guts brother dear," she proceeded to pull at Williams earlobe which only resulted in his yelp.

"It is time you learn proper responsibility. I've tried to beat it into you for the past couple of years but perhaps Miss Langford will have better luck!" Grandmother Fanny glowered.

"You should be grateful towards her that she wasn't a haughty whore threatening to scandal you." Charlotte contributed. "She is a lovely girl who I would have been most suitable towards a proper gentleman. Quite unfortunate she is," Charlotte sighed.

"Well," William muttered before gruffly growling, "Fuck!" He glared at both his sister and grandmother. "The woman is spite in living form."

"And you're scum at it's best." Charlotte scowled. "You're to sign the marriage license this evening."

"This evening!" Williams eyes almost bulged out of his head. "What would society think?"

"Society couldn't give more of a damn about your ruination. We're doing this to protect Miss Langford's reputation, not yours."

And so, both Cecil women left the room leaving William to throw a fit in the privacy of his studies.

A/N: William really messed things up for himself lol. Anyways, feel free to comment, vote and so forth. (Your feedback means the world and lowkey ... but also highkey gets me writing faster c;) Anyways, until the next update!  

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