Chapter 9

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"I am this bloody close to quitting." Carina growled.

"Then quit. It's not like you'll be living in the streets if you do." Zacharias Smith said.

After timing out of work, Carina was accompanied by her co-worker and – unfortunately – Maisie's boyfriend. She didn't understand why Maisie even thought of dating Zacharias Smith.

"Where did you even hear that?" Carina asked.

"Maisie tells me everything." Smith shrugged.

"Well, don't – I mean, that's private!"

"Don't worry, Black, I won't go around parading about it – but why keep it a secret anyway, wealth isn't something to be embarrassed about."

"But it is something to be kept private about." Carina said back.

"The Malfoy's doesn't seem to keep their wealth private – Ow!"

Carina smacked Smith at the back of his head.

"Yeah, I wouldn't talk like that about the Malfoys around me... you do know that they're my family, right?"

"Oh, yeah, the new Black-Malfoy Treaty."

"Sometimes I wonder what does Maisie see in you." Carina rolled her eyes.

They both got out of the lift and proceeded to the fountain where the statue was. They were greeted by some witches and wizards passing by, but mostly they were greeting Carina.

"It's probably the charm and handsome looks." Smith smirked.

Carina faked gag at what Smith said.

"That would be the last thing she would see." Carina said.

"Shut up... hey, is it me or is that guy staring at you?" Smith said.


They both stopped, and Smith turned Carina to the 'guy' he was mentioning. Carina smiled at the sight of the person and went towards him.

"The hell, Carina!" Smith called out.

"Go home, Smith!"

"I see you were busy." Theodore said with a smirk.

"I hate it that I have to work with my cousin's boyfriend." Carina joked as she wraped her arms around Theodore and pulled him to her height for a kiss. "It's good to see you."

"Miss me that much, huh."

"I missed you enough." Carina shrugged.


"What are you doing here, anyway?" Carina had let go of Theodore.

Theodore got out the papers he had in his bag.

"It's a requirement that I get to do my transport papers, a month before I leave." Theodore said.

"Oh, right..." Carina muttered. "You only got a month left."

Theodore sighed, he pulled Carina to him and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"We'll think of something." Theodore said.

Theodore and Carina had dinner outside, at a Muggle café, they both talked about Theodore going back to Norway and how they could still talk to each other. Carina mentioned about a two-way mirror so they could see each other and talk to each other, but they knew it wouldn't be the same. After dinner, they went back to the flat and slept at Carina's room, they didn't mention about Norway or about Theodore leaving, they just wanted to make the best of the time.

Black [Theodore Nott]Where stories live. Discover now