(Request) Goth x Depressed! Abused! Reader

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So this was requested by @FuntimeArt. Like I have requests that are like a month or two old. I STILL DON'T REGRET ALL OF THAT SPAM! *le not ashamed face*
( ̄ω ̄;)

Plot: Goth and Reader have been together for a year. Reader is abused by her drug addict father and cuts herself in places where her scars are covered. Goth noticed how sad she looked and went to check on her, but saw her hanging herself and quickly cut the rope. He was relieved that she was still breathing.
  Its been a few months since you been cutting yourself. Your father was abusing you again and he left you. Whenever your boyfriend, Goth was around you, you always put on a fake smile. He asks you what's wrong whenever your sad and you always respond with either 'its nothing' or 'im fine'. You were in your room and your father was out. You were cutting your stomach, not bothering to bandage yourself before you go to see Goth. 'I might as well leave. No one cares.' You thought. You got some rope and started to make a noose.

Goth's POV
  "(y/n) said she'd be here." I said to myself. I started to walk to her house. She has been acting strange for a few months. She use to have this sparkle in those beautiful (e/c) eyes, but now its just gone. I went up to her room. "Sweetie, are you ok-" she.jumped off the chair and hanged herself! I used my magic to cut the rope. 'She's still breathing' I got a good look at her. I can tell she hasn't been eating much, and she has really dark circles under her eyes. She must've not been getting enough sleep. I gently hugged her and she started to open her eyes. "Gothy?" "Sweetie, w-why did you hang yourself?" She started to cry. "I-Its my dad. H-He abuse m-me. Ever since my mom died, h-he blamed me for her death. A-And.... and...." I kissed her. "Sweetheart why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you through this." "I-I know. I'm a horrible girlfriend. We promised not to keep secrets from each other. I'm sorry Gothy." She broke down into tears. I never liked seeing her cry. "You can stay with me. I'm sure my parents won't mind. Is that ok?" She nodded. I kissed her forehead. "Let's get you bandaged up."

Authour's POV
   Goth helped you pack some of your stuff after he bandaged your wounds and went to his house. You still cut yourself and have nightmares about your father. Tonight was one of those nights. You were tossing and turning. Goth saw how distressed you looked and tried to wake you up, but you started to cry in your sleep. "STOP!!" You shouted as you woke up, tears streaming down your cheeks. Goth put a gentle hand on your shoulder and you hugged him tightly. "Another nightmare?" You nodded. "Its ok sweetie, he can't get you. Your safe. I'm right here, breath." You took deep breaths and calmed down.

A couple of months later

   You got out of your depression thanks to Goth. The self inflicted cuts healed and you smiled for real. You and Goth were cuddling in his room. "You ok sweetie?" You nodded happily and yawned. "You should get some rest, you do have trouble sleeping." "Yeah, your right." You kissed his cheek and snuggled up to him. His face was covered with a light purple. "I love you sweetie." You smiled. "I love you too Gothy." You sleepily said and fell asleep happily.
DUUUUUUUDESSSSSS I CRIED WRITING THIS!!!!!! imma go cry in le corner now (╥_╥) *gross sobbing*

Au Sans x Reader oneshots: The sequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora