Part 21

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Sara Mathews is the definition of trouble from the get go. I told Nicole this from the start but did she listen? No she went out for drinks with her anyway and found out the exactly what I already knew. Sara only wanted in her pants.

The flight back from London, Nicole was a paranoid crab. Why a crab you might ask?Well because she snapped every time I told her it would be all fine or asked her if she was ok.

She had tried ringing Kim in the taxi home but Kim didn't answer. I was a bit more relaxed, well I'm not sure why because maybe I was being selfish. I had nothing to lose. I had what I wanted which was Nicole but Nicole had her friendship with my sister on the line with our relationship so I needed to support her.

It was nearing midnight when we got back to town and Nicole had no other option but to phone Sara. I didn't want her phoning that sleeze but I knew there was no way Nicole would sleep tonight if she didn't find out exactly what was said between Kim and Sara earlier. I told Nicole to put the phone on loud speaker. I didn't trust that slut Mathews and if she said one thing out of line to Nicole I would be smacking a disrespectful bitch.

"Well hello girlfriend, I was wondering how long it was going to take for you to phone baby" Sara said answering the phone and Nicole quickly squeezed my hand before I could open my mouth.

"Sara" Nicole sighed.

"Where are you" Nicole asked trying to be polite and calm as she spoke.

"In my apartment,you fancy coming over? I think you owe me for our weekend of passion according to Kim from what she told me earlier" Sara said and just as I was about to grab the phone, Nicole gave me a glare and shook her head.

"I'm not playing around Sara" Nicole snapped into the phone. I could tell by the small vein popping out at her temple that she was getting pissed off.

"Neither am I" Sara shot back in her usual arrogant tone.

"Come on Nikki, let me fuck you and I'll keep whatever dirty secret you need hiding from your bestie" Sara said and I lost it.

"That's it" I snapped and lunged forward taking the phone out of Nicole's hand.

"Lily wait.."

"Listen up you little tramp, don't fucking speak to her like she is one of your hook ups..where the fuck are you, you piece of shit" I snapped into the phone and I could see the panic in Nicole's green eyes. Her eyes glanced down at the phone and we both heard a smug laugh coming from the other end of the phone line.

"Well well Lily, I was wondering when you were going to appear..I mean it's obvious that you are the one Nicole had her dirty weekend with" Sara chuckled and I was so tempted to smash the phone off the cement at my feet but I knew it wasn't my phone and we still need answers from this dip shit.

"What do you mean by that" Nicole snapped. She took the phone from my hands.

"How did you know me and Lily are.."

"Fucking.." Sara finished off Nicole's sentence and all I could do was roll my eyes. She was playing with fire this bitch and I was losing my patience by the second.

"Sara, how do you know" Nicole asked again.

"I saw you two one night down at the harbour in Lily's car, plus Lily didn't make it subtle walking around like someone shot her puppy the other night when I took you out for drinks" Sara said and I gritted my teeth.

She had this over us. Something I knew we couldn't deny giving the fact we were both together now. Nicole wasn't ready to tell Kim yet and to be quite honest, neither was I.

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