Little Ginger Boy

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I'm doing a little cute chapter 😊 but seriously guys after this chapter it's gonna get intense and it's never gonna stop being intense. So just a warning and I can't wait to continue this awesome journey and I can't believe I started this a year ago and I have so many reads and votes I couldn't be more grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you!

Grace walked around mindlessly. She had no idea where platform 9 3/4 was.

"Excuse me," she tapped a woman on the shoulder. "Where's platform 9 3/4?"

"Oh darling..." she smiled. "You're off to Hogwarts?"

"Yeah..." Grace said.

"Give me my book back!" A little ginger boy with glasses shouted at a taller boy, behind him was another tall ginger boy.

"Oh Charlie, give Percy his book back," she said. "I'm Mrs Weasley, darling."

"Grace Potter..." Grace smiled.

All three of the boys looked up,  "Potter?"

"Like Harry Potter?" The oldest boy asked.

"Um..." Grace started. "Who's Harry Potter?"

The youngest boy gasped, "You don't know who Harry Potter is!?"

"Oh Percy," Mrs Weasley warned. "Darling... where are you from?"

"Miss Ellen's Orphanage for Girls," she said.

Bills eyes widened, before he went back to his calm and collective demeanor.

Percy looked up at Mrs Weasley, "Mummy that's crazy!"

"Percy," Mrs Weasley warned. "Be polite."

"It's alright," Grace smiled.

"Mind if I sit?" Percy asked, walking into Graces seat.

"It's fine... sit," Grace said.

"I'm Percy Weasley," he smiled, pushing up his glasses. "I remember who you are."

"So what are you reading?" Grace asked.

"A book about the ministry of magic!" He exclaimed. "I'm going to be the minister one day... and my brothers can't make fun of me then!"

Grace smiled, "I like your glasses."

"Oh..." Percy blushed. "They're ugly really."

"No, they're cool!" Grace exclaimed. "I always wanted glasses, my dad had them."

"Is it true that you're Harry Potter's sister?" Percy asked.

"Um..." Grace started. "He's the boy who lived?"

"Of course!" He said.

"Mr Hagrid told me about him..." Grace started. "I don't remember though. It's like something stopped my memories."

"Like a curse?" Percy asked, clinging onto her every word.

"I guess," Grace shrugged. "I remember my mum and dad and I remember that I have a brother but I can't remember much else."

"That sounds horrible..." Percy said. "Sometimes my brothers are intolerable but... I'd never want to forget them."

Grace looked down, Percy suddenly gave her a side hug.

"It's alright..." Percy said. "I'll tell you everything."

Percy woke up, alarmed. He turned and saw his sleeping fiancé.

"Christ," he murmured, sweating.

He turned over, grabbing his cup of water. Out of curiosity, he opened his drawer. Inside of it was a lot of ministry notes, a picture of him in Grace in 1st year and a pair of dusty glasses on top.

"Grace..." he poked Graces shoulder.

"Hmmm," she groaned.

Percy wiped off the glasses quickly, putting the small glasses on.

"Grace look," he tried not to laugh.

She turned around, "What are you... wearing?"

"My glasses!" Percy laughed. "Remember these? You loved them."

"Oh Percy," Grace laughed. "You look ridiculous."

"I thought you liked them," Percy smiled.

"Maybe 11 year old Grace," she muffled her laughs.

"What does 18 year old Grace think?" Percy smiled.

Grace's eyes widened and she flopped back into her sleeping position.

"I'm keeping them," he smiled.

"Please no," Grace said, taking them off and putting them in her drawer.

"Goodnight," Percy said.

"Night," Grace said.

Percy couldn't help but see Grace take the glasses out of the drawer and on to the top of her bedside table.

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