Chapter 36.

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Authors Note

Sorry I didn't update this weekend, I was busy and I didn't want to rush this chapter since it has a few important things in it.

Thank you everyone who always voted & comments I really appreciate it!

Comment if you'd like a double update today.😊

Follow my Instagram for edits & update info: @EatReadWriteRepeat


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Anissa's POV

"Need a ride?" I hear Mariano shout from his car window as he slowly drives next to me.

"No thanks, I'm fine walking," I shout back. Mariano then speeds up his car making me feel relieved that he left me alone.

My momentary relief is crushed when I see Mariano only sped up so that he could parallel park near the sidewalk I'm walking on. He climbs out of the driver seat and walks around front, waiting for me.

"'d it go with Harry?" Mariano asks as he leans against the hood of his car.

"He kicked me out of our hotel room, if that answers your question," I tell him as I near his car.

"Seriously?" Mariano says shoving his hands into his dress pants, "I'm guessing he didn't let you explain then."

"Nope," I inform him, "He wouldn't even listen. I'm just so done with this whole thing. This is exactly why I didn't want to get involved with him in the first place," I admit to Mariano.

"Aw come on don't say things like that. He's just being a stupid jealous guy, he'll come around," Mariano says putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't want him to 'come around'. I just want to move on from this,"I huff childishly. Mariano looks at me with a sympathetic expression before he finally speaks again, standing straighter.

"Get in," He says as he walks to the passenger door, opening it for me.

"I'd rather do what I need to do alone," I tell him even though my feet are killing me in these heels.

"Anissa, come on just get in the car," Mariano says giving me a convincing smile. I give up on my stubborn act and take a step toward the car, slowly climbing in.

"Now, what is it that you need to do?" Mariano asks looking over at me.

"I... I need to get my stuff out of the hotel room," I admit to Mariano.

The quicker I get my things out of that room, the quicker I can begin planning my next move to another city. Well, another city after LA since I still need to get my other things from a room I can't even check out of.

Thank you Harry for screwing up my Mexico trip.

"Then let's get your stuff," He says thoughtfully, "What's the name of the hotel?" I hand over the room key so that he can read the hotel name, he looks it over, handing it back.

"I know where this is," He says as he starts up the car.

We sit in silence as we pass multiple streets until finally reaching the slightly familiar hotel.

"Is Harry here?" Mariano asks with a nervous expression as he pulls into the parking spot near the front of the building.

"No, I don't think so," I answer as I step out of the now parked car. I'm almost certain he's still back at the club, mopping up his bloody nose.

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