Chapter 44

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Harry brought me back to the campus as soon as I finished having lunch. I ended up eating alone because he didn't come back after he left, he didn't even try what we had cooked. But that wasn't the worst thing, the whole way here was a complete nightmare, none of us talked and I could feel there was something bothering him. And that something was me, I could tell.

I said goodbye to Harry but he didn't even look at me, instead he put his helmet on and started his motorcycle up. I let out a deep sigh, which was attenuated by the deafening sound of the engine, and walked towards my dorm building. At least I would have time to study for the DIM test we have tomorrow. Something else to keep my mind busy and apart from the failed lunch Harry and I just had.

You need to focus on your grades and attending to classes. You skipped classes and what for? To have Harry being a complete asshole? Nice one, Raiza. My subconscious scolded me.

I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to shake away the awful feeling I had inside. I wish I had someone to talk to about it but Rue hates Harry and I'm not sure about calling my mum to bother her with my love life, if we could call it that way.

Hello, Earth to Raiza. You have a test tomorrow! Forget about Harry! My subconscious intervened again.

Ok, ok!

Rue wasn't on the room so I could study here if I wanted to but instead I decided that the best option was to go to the library. Maybe she wasn't here but the students that live in my dorm building are always making a lot of noise, which makes it almost impossible to concentrate. So if I wanted somewhere peaceful and quiet, the library was my choice. I gathered my books and my notebook and threw them on my bag and left.

The library was pretty much dead, something usual when the weekend is coming. I sat down at one of the tables near the window and took out all what I needed to study. I picked up my hair in a messy bun and put my glasses on.

"Let's begin." I said opening my notebook.


After hours of studying all we have seen in classes, since the creation of digital photography and videos, the development of websites, publishing electronic images for print and the web, and basic business principles, I was done with he theoretical part. Now I just needed to focus on the practical one, Ms. Lancaster said she will evaluate the skills we had learned so far, which involved the understanding of the photographic process, demonstrate knowledge of the workings of a multi-functional commercial photography studio, and create advanced market research.

I looked at my watch and it was already 7 pm. I should better get something to eat before continuing studying. I went over to one of the vending machines that were on the hallway and bought a bag of skittles, a bag of chips and a coffee. As I was going back to the library I heard someone calling me; I turned around and saw Cam waving at me.

"Hey there stranger." He said, giving me smile.

"Hey there handsome." I greeted my friend, giving him a smile as well.

"Were you going to the library?" Cam asked.

"Going back, to be exact." I said. "I just left to get some 'ammunition'." I showed him my supplies of junk food and coffee, making him laughed.

"Great plan, soldier." My friend said, winking at me. "Mind if I join you? I'm having troubles with the practical part."

"You're in luck. I was about to begin studying it." 

We headed to the library and I led Cam to the table I was studying. Before started I ate the bag of chips so I wouldn't make too much noise while we were studying. Once I finished, we dove headfirst into books.

Cam wasn't lying when he said he was having some troubles with the practical part. I had been explaining how to create an advanced market research to him for the last 2 hours. We understood everything perfectly when we reviewed it but that. But I don't blame him; it was the most difficult part on the practical test. 

"Ok, let me try with an example." I said.

"It's ok, Raiza. Sometimes I kinda block myself when I'm too confused." He said running his hand through his copper hair. "It's almost midnight. I think you should probably go and get some rest. I'll stay here."

I looked at my watch and Cam was right, it was almost midnight. Wow, I've been studying here for almost 10 hours. Oh God. I looked at him and he was struggling with one of the books we had opened on the table. "I won't leave you. I'll stay here until we both feel prepare for Ms. Lancaster's test." I stated.


"No buts. What kind of friend would I be if I let you trying to understand the most difficult part of the practical part all by yourself? No way."

"That's why I love you." He said hugging me tight. I laughed against his chest as he started to spin around.

"Cam, stop it!" I laughed. "You're going to get us kicked out."

"But there's no one apart from us here." My friend said laughing as well.

Cam began to slow down until he stopped completely and carefully put me down. I stifled my laughter in his chest since I didn't want the librarian to tell me off for laughing so loud. I felt as his hand went from my back to my cheek and started caressing it. I looked at him and his grey eyes were glued to mine. The copper haired guy slowly began to lean closer to me. I stayed still watching the whole scene confused. What was he doing? Was Cam going to kiss me? He suddenly parted his lips and lifted my chin up. Oh my God, he is!

Wake up Raiza! You have to do something!

But what do I do!? Should I let him kiss me or not? I just really don't know what to do! I had never kissed anyone before... Before Harry.

My heart shrunk when his name crossed my mind but then a rush of anger mixed with disappointed filled my heart. I wish I could erase that kiss from my mind, I wish I could just... Maybe if I let Cam kiss me it would make me forget.

I slowly began to close my eyes as a small tear formed on the corner of my eye.

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