Summer Nights

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"Ugh! Get away!"

You smacked yet another pesky mosquito away. Throughout the whole night, you had been flailing around, trying to get bugs away from you and your precious marshmallows.

(C/N), who was sitting beside you, laughed at your actions.

"What, (C/N)? Is it funny?" you asked crossing your arms.

He shrugged. "Yeah, kinda funny."

You huffed, putting your stick back into the fire.

(C/N) put his arm around your shoulder, resting his head against yours.

You twirled your stick around, evenly coating your marshmallow in a toasty warm brown color.

"It looks perfect!" you praised, taking it out of the fire.

"Woah, it does," (C/N) said.

You stuck it on a graham cracker and created a s'more. 

You tried your best to eat it cleanly, but ended up with a sticky mess all over your lips and hands.


"Hm?" you turned your face to look at (C/N).


"Wha?" you asked in a muffled voice.

"You have marshmallow all over yourself."

"Aww," you said, examining yourself.

"It's okay, I'll help you."

He took a napkin and wiped your face with it, treating you with care.

"Is it still messy?" you asked.

"Nope. I cleaned it up for you," he said, tucking your hair behind your ear.

You gave him a cute, cheeky smile.

"Thanks," you said shyly.

"Of course," he said softly.

You leaned your head against his shoulder. 

This is what I want to feel everyday.

You looked at (C/N), admiring his facial features.

You noticed the minuscule things, such as his freckles on certain spots, the perfectly molded shape of his lips, and the creases on the corners of his mouth when he smiled.

He looked at you, taking you by surprise.

"Are you checking me out?" he smiled, showing off the mouth corner creases.

"Umm, no."

He chucked. "Okay, (Y/N). You know, if you're going to check someone out, you should probably do it in the light, so you can get a better view."

You blushed madly, burying your face in your hands.

"Look at the sky, (Y/N)."

You looked up. "What about it?"

"It's just so... peaceful," he paused. "Like, I feel like in this moment, the world is in harmony. It feels good, you know? The world is sleepy. Well, at least this part of the world. I'm not though, because I'm with you, and you make everything more exciting."

"I do?"

"Yeah, of course you do. How boring would this be if I was doing it alone?"

"Pretty boring."

"Right? Because I'm here with you, I'm happy right now."

"I'm happy right now, too," you smiled, feeling a sense of security next to him.

You sat comfortably in silence for a few moments, until (C/N) spoke up.

"Wanna go swimming?"

"Swimming? It's so late!"

"Nah. Come on, (Y/N), it's summer! You have to do things like this!"

"Okay, I guess you're right."

You got changed into your swimsuit and by the time you got outside, (C/N) was already in the pool.

You made your way down the steps, and could feel (C/N)'s burning gaze pierce through you the whole time.

You looked at him. "Why are you staring at me?"

"Uhh... umm..." he dove underwater to avoid your inquiry.

Well, he wasn't just going to tell you that he thought you looked hot in your swimsuit. That's not what a gentleman would do.

He came back up to the surface. "Why don't you come in, (Y/N)? The water is so nice."

He was right, the water was very nice. The fluorescent lights made it shine radiantly under the moonlight.

"Is it cold?" you asked, tapping your foot gently on the water.


"I'll get in slowly."

(C/N) suddenly lifted himself out of the pool. 

"What are you doing?" you asked.

"You take too long," he replied.

He lifted you up with his built arms.

Oh no.

He threw you into the water, jumping in after.

"(C/N)!!" you shrieked. "Why did you do that?!"

 "To see your reaction," he shrugged. "And you were taking too long."


(C/N) splashed you.


(C/N) laughed and splashed you again. What a little kid.

This time, you splashed back. Soon, you and (C/N) were having a splash battle. You usually despised when people splashed you, but since it was (C/N), you let it slide.

After you were done with your splash battle, you and (C/N) played some other games, such as the one where you had to guess what he was thinking of and he flipped you underwater when you got it right.

After the games, you just talked. You didn't know why, but for some reason, the pool is where some of the best conversations happen.

"You know, (Y/N), I wish every night could be like this."

"Me too. That's actually exactly what I was thinking earlier."

He didn't respond, so you looked at him. He already had his eyes on you, in a loving gaze.

"Great minds think alike, huh?" you asked.

He smiled softly and nodded.

Then, he put his hand on your cheek and put his lips on yours. His lips were soft, and molded nicely with yours.

He pulled away and smiled, looking deeply into your eyes. His eyes twinkled under the bright moon.

"Oh, (Y/N). You bring joy to my life."

"Oh, (C/N). You bring joy to my life as well."

You mentally smacked yourself for not being able to say something cute and meaningful back to him, but whatever. This moment was perfect already.

You spent the rest of the night having deep talks with (C/N), until you had to go home.

"Can we do this again? Soon?" (C/N) asked hopefully.

"Of course we can," you responded.

You both stood there for a few moments, not wanting to leave the other's presence.

Finally, you gave him a quick peck on the lips and said goodbye.

You went home feeling like you were on a cloud. There were many more nights to come, and you wished you could spend all of them with (C/N).

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