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It all started three years ago, when I was thirteen.

I discovered this app were you can chat with people.

You could make an avatar and my avatar was an okay looking one.

I lied about my age so I could attract older men.

I tried to talk to people my age, but they were just stupid and immature.

Some of the grown men would get creepy and ask me 'where are you' and 'what are you wearing'.

They'd also ask me if I had Kik, Snapchat, or Instagram.

They wanted to get innaproptiate pictures, but I didn't send them.

When I turned fourteen I took a break from all of the apps and stuff.

I focused on school and the important stuff.

The next year, at age fifteen, I was still focused on school, but I got back into the dating apps I used to have.

After that happened I went to meet up with all of these guys.

They would get mad at me for using a picture of someone that I follow on Instagram.

Some boys didn't care about me lying about my appearance, some actually found me attractive.

The thing that got most guys angry at me is when they met me is when they actually found out how old I was.

But anyway, the situation I'm in involved a guy, a fairly famous guy in fact, but I didn't know that at the time.

He said he wanted to talk to me, well, not me the girl from the picture.

Now at age fifteen, I was talking to a man who was nineteen years old.

He believes that I am eighteen.

The boy texted me and I would text him back.

He seemed pretty cool, but then he disappeared.

Danni is the one who found out about me talking to older men.

She promised to keep it a secret.

Danni didn't want me to meet up with this guy that I'd been texting, but I refused to take no for an answer.

I went with the guy anyway.

We met up at a Chilli's.

I told him that I was eighteen.

Once he saw me, he turned furious.

He was a nice guy, that is until he wasn't.

He freaked out on me because I wasn't the girl in the pictures.

"I'm still me, I'm the same girl!" I tell him.

Trey- that's the guys name, Trey yelled at me.

He said, "No, you're a girl that is pretending to be someone else, a Catfish! You're to young to be doing this, you could meet someone who could rape you or even worse!"

Trey walks out of the Chilli's, leaving me there alone.

So, yes... I'm addicted to playing grown men, I guess.


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