Chapter two

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The first night there was hard. You refused to leave your room, even when one of Tom's maids came to get you for dinner, unsurprisingly you've completely lost your appetite. Feeling sick to your stomach because of the thought that only that morning, you'd been ecstatic to finally be eighteen. You were practically an adult now! Or so you thought because apparently, you couldn't even decide who you were to or not to marry.

You felt too many emotions from rage, nerves, sadness and while some would've been grateful to live in such a place, you simply weren't. Being torn away from everything you've ever known and placed somewhere you simply didn't belong, around people you'd never met was terrifying, traumatic even.

So maybe that's how you ended up exploring the place at eight in the morning. You wandered up and down the halls, staring at statues and paintings you found odd but intriguing. Tom even had a library the size of your old bedroom, the books surprisingly ranged from teen romance novels to cliche comedies. You had to wonder how exactly Tom found time to sit down and read, or if the room was simply for guests like you.

You were sure he also had a pool, judging by the small plot of land in his backyard that was covered with a strip of mesh, but you'd explore that later.

You came across yet another hallway, but this one was different. There were no photos or decorations on the wall, just a white paint job. Wondering to the end of the hallway, you stared at the large double door, deciding if it was a good idea to go inside. Surely it'd be locked if it was important, so carefully you opened the door, finding that it was in fact unlocked.

Flicking on the light you almost gaped. It wasn't the same room as yesterday, that was more of a meeting room, this was an office. A big office with a large, wooden table. Stacks of paper and clear flies sat upon the table in a neat line, none of the papers sat astray. A small ashtray and a desk lamp sat on the edge.

This had to be Toms office, it was obvious just by the way it had been set out. Slowly, you walked towards the desk, picking up a photo frame. The photo inside was Tom, Dom, someone else that looked like his mum and three other boys. Each person looked happy, smiling widely and the two boys in the front had their arms around each other lovingly. It was hard to believe that was the man you were now to call your husband, the one that'd come off as cold, secluded and extremely flirty when you'd been seated opposite him yesterday.

"What're you doing in here?" A handmade its way around your wrist, not at all hard, in fact, you barely felt it until the person's fingers tightened only slightly, preventing you from touching anything else. "No one's allowed in here without my permission"

You jumped, no hearing so much as a single footstep.

Tom was angry, but he'd been warned that you were the curious type and catching you in the act of possibly snooping through his things? But watching you wander into the room, it really boosted his ego to see you finding interest in his place only hours after you legally became his wife. He'd watched you pick up the photo, but that was the last move he'd let you make.

"I-it wasn't locked" You stepped back, refusing to look Tom in the eyes. You placed the picture down.

"I don't need to lock it, princess, because people know that if they take a single step in here without my permission they'll get a bullet to the head" He seemed dead serious, a firm look on his face as you tried to move away, but failed miserably. You gulped, and looked down, seeing the bruises on his knuckles from yesterday were darker now.

You felt nothing but exposed and embarrassed standing there in nothing but your pajamas, an oversized t-shirt and short shorts and Tom would be lying if he said he didn't find himself staring you up and down.

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