Add Fuel to the Fire

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Midoriya is going to snap.

Like literally.

He's wondering how did he end up in this fucking hero party.

His eyes landed on someone.

What a luck, hes staring right at Endeavor who's  avoiding all alcoholic drinks in fear.

I wanna burn that guy, he's the reason of all this shit.

💡 Ah.

Fuck, he really is a genius.

Time to execute the plan 😇

He quickly grabbed a glass of alcohol ( its a drink TT^TT )

And stalked to where Endeavor is sitting.



He poured the glass of Everclear (which is 95% in alcoholic percentage) in Endeavors raging ( burning ) mustache.

" FUCK ! "


 Spare me for the grammar, i don't know what is right and wrong.

All I know is that, I hate Endeavor ( don't ask me why )

~ EraserButt

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