#3: Divided Lands & Borders

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Are we turning a bit political here? ...ehhh, yes. Yes we are!

If your world is in the midst of history (which, most worlds are even if you've stopped time), you might need to think about how the lands are divided. States, provinces, countries, villages, towns, clans, districts...and this trickles into #8 Government. The government will ultimately determine how and why the lands are divided and then what those lands are called.

If the lands in your world are in its infant stages where people or creatures haven't decided who will live where, how do they keep the peace? (move to #8 Government, #31 War & Peace, #37 Laws of the Land).


Are your lands divided into states? Countries? Or maybe it's not divided in any way? 

Are there borders? If so, who keeps the borders? 

How strict or not are the borders? Can anyone come and go freely? Or, do they need a pass or privilege to do it?


Also, what's up with borders? Are there borders? Think of the border between U.S and Canada, or the one between U.S and Mexico. How strict are your borders? Who is in charge of setting them and regulating them? If your characters ever go across borders, you might want to figure out what those borders are like :)

Note (12/30/2021): I have been mistakenly spelling "borders" as "boarders" for the longest time XD I honestly thought I had it right. Thank you to those of you who pointed it out.

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