Meet and Greet

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Finding out I had to move to an entirely different country with my rich aunt and grandparents? Feasible enough. 

Finding out I had to go to a rich boarding school with snobby high school kids who had everything handed to them their entire lives?  Hard to swallow, but still doable.  If I could survive all that life had thrown my way before, then who was to say I couldn't survive some prep school?

Finding out I had to go to the same school as the Prince of the country that I was suddenly a citizen of?!  Not going over so well. 

"Well, isn't there like another school you could send me to?  Like, one that is second best in the country?  I really wouldn't mind, and-"

"Malia, you'll be fine I promise, now stop worrying.  My mum and dad aren't going to try to force you into something you don't want to do, but the school is non negotiable. So you might want to get used to the idea before you pull a muscle in your eye from glaring so hard," she said and I reached up to my eyes and sure enough, there was a slight twitch forming in the left one. 

I groaned animatedly and threw my hands up in the air like the teenager I really was and relished the fact that I could do that without getting beaten up for it-that is, until a sharp shooting pain trailed down my entire side and my groan increased. 

"The doctor said no sports and no sudden, harsh movements of any kind!  You'd do well to listen to the physician's orders," Mar warned me and I just gave her another one of my famous glares that I'd perfected when I couldn't talk back. 

"Fine, but that doesn't mean that I won't like it."

"And we're here."

Sprawling hills of greenery and lush trees lined the entrance of the 'estate'.  My mouth hanging wide open as I took in my new home, it finally hit me that I was going to be living in England with some of the richest people I'd ever met in my entire existence. 

I felt my legs start bouncing up and down in trepidation and nervousness as the butterflies were teeming with anticipation in my gut. 

I rolled down the window and stuck my head out to get a better look at my surroundings and was glad that I did. 

Approaching the home, or should I say, castle- was a tree lined paved driveway with a massive wrought iron gate towering at its front.  Once the guard in the shack beside it waved us through, we began our journey towards the castle that looked to be miles away. 

As we inched closer, I noticed its light grey stone coloring and the single tower that looked over the estate.  There was no way I'd ever get used to that. 

Just weeks ago, I was living in a tiny mobile home on a bed that dug into my side anytime I tried to move. 

And suddenly I was thrust into a world where I would be living in a freaking real life castle.  It wasn't real, it couldn't be real.  Not for someone like me...

"Are you sure I'm not on some game show where they'll jump out at me and yell that I'm being punk'd right?" I asked Mar who was sitting next to me scrolling through what looked like business on her professional looking tablet. 

She didn't act like she basically came from royalty, in fact she acted very down to earth and nothing like I would have imagined someone from her background to act like. 

"Oh I'm very serious.  We live very close to the school so you won't have to take part in the boarding aspect of it as most of the higher up students don't."

"That's assuring," I told her sarcastically. 

Finally she cracked a smile and sighed, taking off her tortoise shell rimmed glasses and placing her hands in her lap, she looked even more polished than I had ever seen her.  Perhaps it was the familiar, poised atmosphere that brought back her stiff demeanor. 

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