The End of the World Page 1

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~Honestly, I watched the walking dead(game and tv series) so I wanted to create a story about zombie. The bonus is Matsu being involved! I can't wait for season 4 of the walking dead, hopefully it is good and the wait is worth it. Enjoy!~
Oh no! The world is ending around you, zombies in the street with screaming people. You lived alone so you did not have anyone to be in your way or take care of.

As you grabbed any supplies to survive, zombies were banging on the front door. You went to the back then, the front was like a distraction since zombies were eating the living.

The backyard was clear and you escaped into the woods while hearing the cries of help.

As the screams and cries were getting distance, you knew that the zombies would be on the streets and hardly in the woods. Though you kept your eyes open and aware on your surroundings.

Then you heard the sound of zombies around you, you pulled out your knife and kept your confident up.

Six zombies came up to you and you were about to attack until you heard the one in red say "pretty..."

You questioned," you speak? Aren't you dead?" Of course, no answer from them. You stood face to face with them but you just brushed it off, walking through the woods leaving them.

Or so you thought. You heard footsteps behind you without a doubt you knew who. You stopped and turned to see the six zombies.

They stopped when you stop so they didn't want to eat you, surprisingly. Then the one in blue handed you a dead flower, you took it as kindness but still it was weird.

You asked,"What are you? Actors? Is this cosplay?"

The red one spoke," Os..o..."


He nodded and the others spoke too.

Blue: "K..ara.."

Green: ""

Purple: "I..chi"

Yellow: "Jyu..shi"

Pink: ""

You repeated," Oso, Kara, Choro, Ichi, Jyushi, and Todo...right?"

They all nodded and you surprisely let them follow you besides they didn't eat you so there's no harm.

As you walked you were looking back at them each time and they looked happy in a weird zombie way. You shook your head and said," we need to find a place to stay."

You looked around while walking, there was a open campfire but it might be for a group or a person, whatever it's the living.

No zombies nor living, you told them to stay there behind a bush while you looked around quickly.

It wasn't wrong to steal because people do it all the time to survive including now. You gathered what you needed, not wasting time looking at junk.

You ran back towards the six zombies but they were gone. You thought about looking for them but they are already dead so what would help do.

It was lonely somehow but it's time to survive, not care about feelings.

Then a random zombie was about to attack you from behind but something tackle it to the ground.

Your eyes widen as you saw Oso fighting it, now the random zombie was dead like actually dead, not moving.

You thanked Oso and he blushed at your thanks, you laughed and said,"your heart must be still living, Oso."

Actually, they all looked at your smile and started blushing like Oso was. You laughed quietly and signal them to keep moving.

This is going to be a long adventure but at least, you weren't alone.

~Sorry for any mistakes honestly! And I know some stories need to be updated and continue because I love how you all read my stories :3. I really appreciate you taking time to read my stories. Thank you. If you want more or other stories to continue, I'll try to make it happen. I take requests for new stories too, so don't be afraid. Thank you for your support and I hope to make you smile from my stories!~

 Zombie!Osomatsu San x Reader: MatsulypseWhere stories live. Discover now