Chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s POV

Mikleo had offered to take me home, refusing to listen to my protests. I was pretty sure he only did this to get answers but a small part of me couldn't help but want him to like me.

I felt his intense gaze on my face as we walked peacefully to my cheap apartment. It was starting to get a little uncomfortable.

"Feel free to look away whenever you like. U-unless I have something on my face, then there should be no reason for you to keep staring at me."
"O-oh, sorry. I didn't realise I was staring..."

He finally looked away with a small blush on his cheeks. This caused me to blush as well but I tried to hide it under my long hair. Ugh, what was Mikleo doing to me?...

"Do you live alone?" Mikleo suddenly asked.
"Yeah, why? Planning to kill me in the near future?"
"Come on, stop staying such depressing things. So you have time now, right?"
"Let's go somewhere."
"Just so you know, I'm not going to give you any answers."
"I know. I just want to get to know you better. Despite everything you said before on that day, I still want to get to know you. I don't know why but...I feel like you're not the kind of person you say you are."
"...p-please don't get too close to me. I can't have friends..."
"Why not?-"

I sent him a glare, warning him not to go any further. His eyes didn't leave mine till a sigh escaped his lips. I didn't want to do this to him but I had to. Shiori deserved to have him more than I did.

Without any warning whatsoever, Mikleo gently but hesitantly reached for my hand and pulled me along as we passed the various shops lining the streets.

I stared at him in shock but he just smiled kindly. It wasn't faked or was a genuine smile. I couldn't help but smile back. His actions warmed my heart.

My fingers tightened as I shoved my hesitation aside for the time being. Maybe spending time with Mikleo wasn't going to be that bad. And if Shiori or Catherine asked, then I could just make up some lame excuse.

"Doing this makes it feel like we're true friends, doesn't it?" he asked while holding up our intertwined hands.
"*blush* W-whatever."

~Some time later~

Mikleo and I had gone to all types of shops, even the ones that looked super expensive. I somewhat regretted doing that. It left me with a small stab in the heart every time I realised that I couldn't ever get any of the items.

We were now resting in a park, watching the sunset with a few snacks that Mikleo offered to buy. I used the toothpick to pick up the dango before plopping it in my mouth.

It was delicious. It was sad that I had to spend all my money on school fees and rent. I never had any left for my own 'luxuries'. That was why I was grateful that Mikleo had bought these for me.

"The sunset's beautiful," he exclaimed.
"'s the first time I've seen one."
"Oh, really?...I hope you don't mind me asking but I seriously can't suppress my curiosity anymore. Are you a human or seraph?"

I fidgeted with my fingers, unsure of whether to answer him or not. If I did, then everything I've done so far would be for nothing. But then, if I didn't, he wouldn't give up...

"Just think of me as a seraph. I turn invisible, right? I don't think any human can do that."
"*laughs* That's true. Alright then, I'll consider you a seraph for now. What element do you specialise in? I'm pretty sure you know but I use water."
"...ah, it's not a main or well-known element."
"That's fine. What is it?"
"Um- oh, look at the time. I need to go back home to do my homework."
"Oh, right..."

I avoided his gaze and stared at my shaking hands. I was afraid...afraid that he'd find out sooner or later. I didn't want him was nice having a friend. I didn't want to lose him to the truth...

Suddenly, he grabbed both my hands and put his around mine. His hands were warm against my cold skin. I could feel goosebumps travelling up my arms at the sudden contact.

"Your hands are freezing cold. If you said ice was your main element, then I'd probably believe you."

I could feel a smile creep onto my face despite how much I willed myself to remain emotionless. He was going to break down my wall of defence if I kept hanging out with him.

For some reason, I was ready for that. Even if it meant that my years of defence strengthening was all for nothing, I wouldn't mind opening my heart to him do that, he needed the truth. The truth was the key to unlock my heart.

Shiori's POV

My heart felt like it was breaking into a thousand pieces. I fought back the tears that threatened to fall. It wasn't fair! Why did Mikleo show such interest in (Y/n)?! She was nobody! I was somebody!

I clenched my fists in pain as I watched Mikleo walk her home. He had given her his jacket. How I wished that that was me walking with him instead of her.

She deserved a beating tomorrow for stealing the love of my life. I would definitely have to ask Mika to strengthen the energy extraction. (Y/n) deserved such punishment for making me feel so much pain.

I continued to follow the two from afar. Even though seeing them together made my heart ache, I couldn't leave the two alone. What if they kissed? Or worse...became a thing? Eewww, I couldn't even imagine that.

I should just hope for the best and try to steer him away from her. I just needed to get closer to him...

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