Chapter 13

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Theodore woke at the most annoying way there was. He glared at the person who even thought of waking him in that fashion, he was soaking wet and was now freezing since the bucket of water they decided to pour at him was from the rain last night and was freezing cold.

Ivan and his brothers, Bjorn and Matthias, laughed as Theodore sent them daggering glares. Without even noticing, Theodore waved his hand and the three of them were dangling by the ankles in the air.

"Come on, Theodore! It was just a little fun!" Bjorn said.

"And this is my way of fun!" Theodore said as he used magic to dry himself and his bed. "How did you idiots even got in here?"

"Father forgot the keys at the table." Matthias shrugged.

"Come on, get us down." Ivan sighed.

Theodore had put on his new shirt and his coat, he turned to the three brothers with a deadplan look.



Theodore was already at the door and left, closing it behind him, and left the brothers dangling at their ankles. It would only be about time before their mother heard them yelling. It must run in the family, Theodore thought, they were also one of Roman's cousins, since their mother, Alessandra Kohler, was an Alston once.

"Theodore, have you seen the boys?" Alessandra asked as Theodore passed her when he entered the Hall.

"The last I saw them they were at my place dangling by their ankles." Theodore said. "Serves them right for dumping rain water on me."

Alessandra sighed. "I'll go get them."

"It's Liberacopus!" Theodore called out.


Alessandra waved at Theodore as she walked away and headed to Theodore's hut where she was to get her childish sons.

"I heard that you got my sons stuck in the air."

Theodore turned and met Viktor Kohler. He smirked when he faced the man.

"Next time, don't leave the keys at the table for them to get." Theodore said.

Viktor sighed, "I'll keep that in mind, now come, let's have some breakfast."

Viktor Kohler was a timeless man, he was a man in his mid-fifties, but still looked as if he were in his thirties, he had a head full of black hair with a few silver strands, a clean beard, and bright brown eyes. He was a stern man at the outside, at first, Theodore felt intimidated at Viktor's presence, but after he got to know the man, he found out that the man was a child at heart, and a man of adventure.

"I heard from Ivan that you stayed up late last night, is it that girl again?" Viktor asked.

They settled at the table with the other Dragon Tamers – as they preferred to be called ("Dragonologists is too formal, I prefer Dragon Tamers." Viktor said, "Dragon Tamer is much cooler than 'Dragonologist'.") – Theodore sat between Viktor and a fellow from Wales.

"Yes." Theodore smiled.

"She must be a beauty to have you late at night."

"She is... and she's really kind."

"I also heard from Ivan that she's got a child?" Viktor raised a brow.

"Oh-no! Teddy's her godson, she's not – she hasn't..."

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