Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

" Why are you helping me?" I asked her as we made our way through the ship.

" Because if you are delivered to my father, it will be the end of everything as we know it."

" Your father?" I questioned as we stopped and she glanced around the corner. " Thanos."

" The way ahead is clear." Dahlia said appearing next to me but before Gamora could start moving again, I stopped her. " You know, we dont have to do this whole sneak around thing." I said before sharing a look with Dahlia who then vanished. " Think of the location, and I can take us there."

I regretted my decision soon after that, because as soon as we set foot on solid ground, I collapsed quicker then a block house. I was forced to close my eyes as the world spun so fast that I thought I was back in the Bifrost. " Can you stand?" Gamora asked but I couldn't respond as my stomached churned in rebellion to having been thrown across the universe faster then the speed of light. After several minutes of waiting for my stomach to catch up, I managed to open my eyes and look around at the strange planet around us.

We had landed just outside of what appeared to be a city. " We must hurry. Come, Aria Stone." Gamora said before she started walking, and not seeing much of a choice I hurried after her. " So, who's Thanos?" I asked trying to make conversation.

" A very dangerous man, if you can even call him that." Gamora responded. " He is someone you should, not only fear, but avoid at all costs. He is also the one that ordered your capture."

" But what could he want with me?"

" It's not you that he wants, it is the power within you."

" But why?" I questioned.

" You truly do not know the source of your power?" She asked

Before I could respond, she pulled me to a stop and motioned toward a guy in red as he ducked into some sort of building. " Wait here." she told me before she approached the building. I turned to sit down on a vacant bench, when my head began to spin and images flew through my mind. I blinked away the light that swam into view before I frowned in confusion; I had never had a vision like that before, never while awake anyway. I turned as Gamora ran toward me, a small object in hand and the guy in red not far behind. I tripped the guy as he ran passed and he fell flat on his face. " Oops." I said before I turned to race after Gamora, only to nearly eat the concrete as something wrapped around my ankle. " Oops." The guy retorted before disappearing from view.

When I managed to get free, I took to the air and flew at a break neck speed, only to come to an abrupt halt when I saw the object that had been fighting over roll off the bridge toward the ground below. " I got it, I got it." I cried before flying down to grab it, only to over shoot the distance. Instead of catching the small object, I found myself crashing through a glass wall and right into a fountain. " Nice work."

" Shut up, Dahlia." I muttered to the mental voice at the back of my mind. Gamora landed a few feet away and my eyes widened at the murderous look on her face as she pulled herself out of the water and approached that a talking racoon and a tree?

" Um Aria, I think we have a problem

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" Um Aria, I think we have a problem." Chloe said before a golden light lifted me out of the water. " You think?"

After being arrested, for not only destruction of private property, but also for traveling with no records or ID; how that was a crime I have no idea. " So, whats your story?" The strange guy asked as he sat across from me.

" We can trust this one. He is of the blood." Chloe whispered to me and I frowned. Blood?

" Theres not really much to tell." I said.

" Peter Quill." He said holding out his hand and I frowned at the completely normal gesture. When I didn't return it, he dropped his hand. " Starlord works too."

" Aria." I said." Aria Stone."

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